Blurt instead of Instagram

in blurt •  2 years ago 

Hey I am Wasif Alpha
A feature of Blurt that other similar media blockchains do not have and which I really like is the ability to short posts with personal photos like Instagram. For example, today you do not have the opportunity and time to write a long post, but you try to regularly blog and tell your subscribers about your life. On Blurt, you can post your latest photo and accompany it with a concise caption. It is possible that in the process of creating a post, you will get inspiration and, on the contrary, write a whole interesting and fascinating story for your photo. It often happens to me that long, interesting and exciting posts often come out spontaneously.
But if inspiration does not appear, nothing terrible and it is quite acceptable to post a short post on Blurt, which will not take much time to read, but perhaps even more intrigue your readers.
Thanks to this opportunity, sometimes you can chat with your subscribers by asking a question on a topic of interest and getting the opinion of other people who may be more experts in this matter and want to write an answer in a comment under the post.
Such posts contribute to social interaction and dialogue between the author and his followers.
In a similar way, contests or polls are held on Blurt, and I find this format the most interesting.
I have been on the bench since November 2021, and during this time I managed to appreciate and become attached to this site, feeling at home cozy and comfortable on it.
All inspiration, interesting ideas, peace and growth to us and our Blurt.

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