Pride is the root of the fall

in blurt •  3 years ago 


Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

Assalamu Alaikum Orhamatullah

Diseases of the soul continued to be discussed. At this stage we will discuss the second disease of the soul arrogance InshaAllah.

Definition of arrogance: Arrogance is to think of oneself as the best for one's honest qualities. In Arabic it is called Takkbari. An example can be given to better understand arrogance. Then I can check if I have any level of arrogance and if I have arrogance in me.

Level 1: If there are any honest qualities like: day work, charity, not abusing people, benefiting people, helping people, inquiring about the poor and needy, helping relatives, inquiring, building mosques, building madrasas, helping charities Doing, fasting, prayers, Hajj, Zakat, not violating the rights of others, not hurting others unnecessarily, not having a relationship with usury, murder and mischief do not commit any kind of sin. Then the person will be considered good to everyone, but if the person has the thought that if he does these things, if he feels self-satisfied or happy in his mind, if he expresses satisfaction or if he is happy in his mind, then I do these good deeds. There is self-satisfaction and self-satisfaction only for one's own good deeds without comparison with others, but there is a latent state of arrogance in that person. This is the state in which the seeds of ego are sown in the heart.

Level 2: If a person does all the above good deeds but if he compares himself in his mind that others do not do these things, I do, I do this good deed, I do better than others, I give to others, help-cooperation, I do not lie for the benefit. I am good, I do good deeds, etc. If someone says or compares in his mind but he does not say it openly, then this arrogance is in the second level of arrogance. It is the seed of the tree called arrogance that has sprouted.

Level 3: When he expresses his good deeds and compares them indirectly with others like I do no wrong to anyone, I do not harm anyone, I do not abuse anyone, I pray five times, I fast, I pay zakat, I I help people, I preach, I help the poor and needy, I help people and so on. The better the work, the better. Then it must be understood that it is the third level of ego. At this stage, the stalks of the tree called ego grow.
Level 4: Once you do your own good deeds, you start comparing yourself directly with others. For example, you do not pray, do not fast, do not help people, do not give alms to the poor, do not help people, do not help in mosques, madrasas, etc., and I do all this. This stage is the fourth stage of arrogance i.e. the flower bears fruit on the branches of the tree.
Level 5: Make comparisons in front of people in public and force others to engage in arguments. Try to force people to listen to your good deeds and even start getting involved. This is the fifth level. That is, his arrogance has taken the form of a fruitful tree.
Level 6: The last one starts to do wrong, starts to hurt people, does not hesitate to hurt people's minds, that is, becomes interested in becoming one's own superiority, as a result of which corruption, nepotism, etc. begin to manifest in family, society, state, different places. This is the ripe fruit of the tree called Ankara, which is the sixth level.
Let's find out now, dear friends. Whether I have a black snake called arrogance or not, I am at some level, so I am anxious for everyone to change the time now. Consider the words of such a small incompetent servant of mine and change lives. The last thing is, "No one will be able to enter heaven with a point amount of arrogance" Don't say arrogance for yourself.
God bless you

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