What's going on? Found a bug in blurt wallet and more

in blurt •  2 years ago 

UPDATE (1).png


Have been 18 days now since I started curating manually some topics on Blurt, I received some delegations that really help me a lot so I started creating manual reports to show exactly what I am curating. I don't really like my profile filled of reports so I decided to stop doing it as a new tool that I'm working on is almost done and will help in the reviewing of Blurt accounts easilly.

I will continue bringing useful and original content regularly, appart from updates from my work as witness with the different tools I'm providing. Appart of that I created a new account called @seven-report where I'll be submitting automatically globals and witnesses reports with the hope that I will get more BP to continue carrying the work of manual curation too.

That's just an experiment that I will keep until spend a base of 200 BLURT that I will send to that account to see how things will going.


BTW, with this I found a issue in the wallet, it is not letting me set any of the public information such image or description as I'm trying to get in on the page but it keeps closing the session again and again.

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[Brough by @alejos7ven]

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Please login with posting key. It happens when you login with active key.

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