Meet Seven Network, the new Multi Tool website for Blurt Blockchain

in blurt •  2 years ago  (edited)

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The Blurt ecosystem continues to grow day by day and part of this growth is thanks to the continuous development of the dApps and interfaces that are part of it. I am very happy that I was able to contribute to this growth and development of the blockchain with Blurtify and some other open source projects that I have made available to the community.

Throughout my journey through various platforms I have used multiple tools that in one way or another make the experience on those platforms more friendly and complete. Blurt, however, is still a fairly primitive blockchain, so the progress of the network depends solely on us developers/validators who make a living in it.

Today I am very happy to contribute one more grain of sand to this great ocean with a website created especially to be friendly, fast and efficient, I am pleased to announce to you the start of Seven Network:

A new multi-tool website is born, loaded with things that will make your life easier when it comes to interacting with the Blurt blockchain. The most notable features included are the tool to make multi transfers, and the tools to calculate the rewards of an account and view the summary of outgoing votes. Let's review it.



We are going to start with the list of witnesses, we have loaded all the information possible in a compact and orderly way, there initially you will see the TOP 100 where the name of the owner is included and in the small print the number and percentage of approval.

If a witness declared to be inactive, his name will appear in red and crossed out so that you can visually detect very easily who is or is not active. If you click on the space of a witness you will see a magic animation that will display the details of the node, as well as buttons for you to vote for the selected witness.


NOTE: To broadcast operations you will use WhaleVault thus to avoid requesting keys to the user.

But that's not all, above of the page I have included a tool to expand and reload the witness list and allow you get up to 1000 witnesses.




Under the same list concept, we offer the list of the current proposals in the blockchain with basic information of each one. The link to the publication, the creator of the proposal, the recipient of funds, the number of votes and the current position of each of them are included.

If you click on a proposal you will see its details and buttons to approve, or remove said proposal if you are the creator, this is a fairly compact and fast solution to manage proposals in the blockchain.



Let's start to see the tools section where you will find a secondary list with each one of them, we will proceed to explain each one of them little by little.


  • Delegate

As the name says, this is a tool to perform delegations via WhaleVault. Fill the form with your username, the username you want to delegate and the amount, then click send and the request will be created which you will can reject or accept.


  • Multi transfer

You will can send BLURT (transfer) or Blurt Power (transfer_to_vesting) to multiple accounts at the same time.


You just need to write the list separated with breaklines on all accounts you want to send and of course use your WhaleVault to do this quickly.

  • Rewards summary

You will can get the rewards that a Blurt account got in different time intervals, this include curation, author and producer rewards and you will be able to fetch it in the last 7, 15, 22, or 30 days.


NOTE use 30 days could take several time.

  • Tables generator

You can generate elegant HTML tables using Blurt Posts, you can see examples here.


  • Votes summary

And finally, this tool will allow you get the accounts that an account voted in a interval of time and detailed informacion from it. This include total votes and weight, self-vote percentage, the list of all authors votes with the amount of votes, avarage weight, and the share of votes.

tool 12.PNG


We are using a free hosting service to deploy this site as we are cut of resouces, we hope to be able in a near future to upgrade the infraestructure to have better performance and a dedicated domain name with the proper certifications. This site doesn't require the use of any key from now due to this, but we plan to add more features later that could be need it but until we can offer the proper security parameters we will not do it.


The strength of an army is largely determined by the dedication and commitment each soldier gives to his nation. Winning battles is often not about having numerous people but people who really contribute to achieving victory in any way.

Many times, soldiers are limited by the resources that the state provides them or simply by the decisions that superiors make regarding the battle positions that each soldier assumes when going to the field.

In blurt, I am part of a wonderful army made up of witnesses, my career in this army dates back to April 2021, since then I have been participating in battles with the army uninterruptedly trying to lead my team to the path of victory. Deployment of numerous tools, contests, manual curation through @ecosynthesizer and currently from my personal account, exchange of opinions with the discord community, testing of tools promoted by other developer users; These are just some of the contributions that I have left in the ecosystem.

This request is for the entire nation, and each one of its members to promote myself within the TOP 20 of witnesses in the blockchain, which will allow me to continue fighting for blurt, and of course have more capacity to fight and continue giving the best of me within the army to which I have been a part for a long time.

No more words from this side, if you find a bug or have suggestions don't hesitate to let me know.

Let's go for more!

Blurt Challenge Founder

BPUD Sponsorship

Blurtify v2.0

Blurtify v1.0

Fanbase Tool

If you love my work please consider vote by me as your Witness in the blurt

[Brough by @alejos7ven]

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you for the awesome development work, you have my witness vote. Please anyone that reads this cast your witness votes for this very capable developer. I agree he has the technical capability that is crucial to be a top20 operator.

This is an amazing update! I love the multi transfer tool. I really needed this one as I do multiple transfers.

You have been developing useful tools for Blurt. Blurtify is one of the best tools and now these tools will definitely help Blurt.

Posted from

I agree with Imran, this is excellent. Thank you for making this happen.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

That's a brilliant work friend👍

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Great work
Absolutely impeccable

Amazing. I am planning to add those to mobile-app too & it is in the pipeline

Blurt Mobile App

  ·  last year  ·  

Excellent app. Some time ago I was looking for a system that would allow me to measure my curation and author gains during a certain period, for example, the last 30 days, without having to resort to the manual sum that Hive.Wallet proposes.

I have taken a screenshot of my account and my question is only one: the amount that the calculation shows (of the last 30 days in this case) is net of the BLURT and BP that remain credited to my account (50% of the total ) or is it 100x100 of the profits generated by the post?

Thank you @alejos7ven.


Excelente aplicación. Hace tiempo estaba buscando algún sistema que me permitiera medir mis ganancias de curación y autor durante un periodo determinado, por ejemplo, los últimos 30 días, sin tener que recurrir a la suma manual que me propone Hive.Wallet

He hecho una captura de pantalla de mi cuenta y mi pregunta es una sola: el monto que arroja el cálculo (de los últimos 30 dias en este caso) son netos los BLURT y BP que me quedan acreditados en la cuenta (50% del total) o es el 100x100 de las ganancias generadas por el post?

Gracias @alejos7ven.

  ·  last year  ·  


El cálculo es basado en el monto neto que tú recibes, es decir, las recompensas que van para los curadores no estan incluidas en el cálculo 👍

Hi, @alejos7ven,

Thank you for your contribution to the Blurt ecosystem.

Your post was picked for curation by @alejos7ven.

Please consider voting for our Upkeep Proposal by Symbionts.

Hello @alejos7ven
Thank you for sharing such great content!
PLEASE KINDLY CLICK HERE TO VOTE US AS BLURT WITNESSBlurt to the moon 🌕You can delegate any amount of Blurt power to @blurtconnect-ng
This post has been upvoted manually by @chibuzorwisdomblurtconnect.gifUse #blurtconnect tag to get more upvotes from us

Also, keep in touch with Blurtconnect-ng family on Telegram and Whatsapp

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

This is great. I love the fact that we can share blurt to multiple accounts at a time. It is a wonderful improvement. I like that

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Congratulations, your post has been curated by @scilwa, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community.

Manually curated by @Angelica7

logo3 Discord.png

Felicitaciones, su publicación ha sido votada por @scilwa. Puedes usar el tag #R2cornell. También, nos puedes encontrar en Discord