Hi everyone
Back to another session of macro photography.
I usually photograph random subjects that I find along the way, of course they don't appear in front of my eyes, I have to look for them in the most inhospitable places with eyes wide open and aware, because I always look for tiny subjects, the smaller the better, always getting fascinated when I check the amount of details I can find in these smallest subjects.
This time I chose to adopt some cacti, member of the plant family Cactaceae and did some research on the species that today will be the spotlight :)
Many of these spiny plants live in extremely dry environments and for this reason they develop several adaptations to conserve water, that´s why almost all cacti are succulents.
Most species of cacti have lost true leaves, retaining only spines, which are highly modified leaves.
Fortunately I didn't have to go to the desert to pick them up since they are very fashionable these days and we can find them everywhere :P
Without more delays, let me present the stars of the moment
Regarding the shoots, it's amazing how macros with their blurred background can result in such different images full of contrasts and textures especially with this kind of subjects.
In the world of photography, especially macro photography, there is a universe of things available to everyone, enabling totally different and original approaches.
Among the various possible techniques to shoot macros, this is perhaps the most affordable and effective technique for those who have a camera with removable lens.
We can simply remove the lens and reverse the direction, and by using an inverter ring it ends up being more comfortable and facilitates the process.
Let's now move onto the result:
F-stop: f/0 | Exposure time: 1/45 sec. | ISO speed: ISO 400
F-stop: f/0 | Exposure time: 1/30 sec. | ISO speed: ISO 400
F-stop: f/0 | Exposure time: 1/50 sec. | ISO speed: ISO 400
F-stop: f/0 | Exposure time: 1/30 sec. | ISO speed: ISO 600
F-stop: f/0 | Exposure time: 1/35sec. | ISO speed: ISO 400
F-stop: f/0 | Exposure time: 1/50 sec. | ISO speed: ISO 400
F-stop: f/0 | Exposure time: 1/45 sec. | ISO speed: ISO 400
F-stop: f/0 | Exposure time: 1/40 sec. | ISO speed: ISO 600
F-stop: f/0 | Exposure time: 1/35 sec. | ISO speed: ISO 400
F-stop: f/0 | Exposure time: 1/60 sec. | ISO speed: ISO 600
F-stop: f/0 | Exposure time: 1/70 sec. | ISO speed: ISO 600
F-stop: f/0 | Exposure time: 1/40 sec. | ISO speed: ISO 400
These photos weren't taken with a tripod, hence the unclear result.
Thank you