Shackled minds - well that was my 6 month blurt experiment

in blurt •  2 years ago 


What did I learn in 6 months on here?

This is all about blurt!

Most of my time here there has been arguing in the foundation, megadrive seems to love a good argument. Very public too, get a room or phone each other.
People get upvotes just for saying #blurt anything, blurt price, blurt this, blurt that so just like steemit they abuse it with at least one #blurt post a day and then spam the place with #walking my dog #food posts, #selfies.

Friendship = as soon as you swear or put any real emotion into a post the people you talk to every day disappear, which leads to a fake experience.
I never thought I would say this but hive is more tolerant of opinions and that is pushing the boat to the limit as at times it is so woke I am shocked it has not gone broke.

If those that run the foundation on here, those that forked off from steemit/hive put in half the effort they put into arguing actually advertising this place, it would be as big as fakebook.

  • ctime farms everyone and never reads their posts, nice scam if you can get in on the action.

The devs keep updating the logo like hippies on crack to reflect what ever is the latest drivel in the news. We get enough propaganda without you joining in.
Most accounts on here with large wallets spend their time up-voting their own comments, unsure if it is vanity or just!

  • Intrinsic value.

Where does it come from, well I can tell you for free it is not from any of the above.

I never came here for money anyway so care not about votes.
For me this was a chance to taste a different experience, try something new - but it is anything but.
It is a mirror of steemit minus downvotes.
1 thing it does prove is no matter the site, greed knows no bounds.
There is nothing new about blurt, hence the price, there will be nothing new about blurt until the devs and the foundation get their own heads out of their arse and make something new and original.
Go take a look at Bastyon and watch what it is like when "anyone" can contribute to the coding, you get desktop apps, you get video on demand, private chat with no key logging, 100% secure and oh so much more.

Also bastyon rewarded people for 1 year before going on ANY exchange to give them a chance to earn a lot of money, not rinse them from day 1 with charges to post like here.
I get the logic, but it does not work, making people buy tokens to post hurts when they have none.
I tried it the other night, I powered up everything and left myself broke, not even enough to reply to people, it is frustrating and not welcoming, try it, see how it feels.
But then again nobody on here listens to any form of critique do they?
No they do not, like a safe space is it not, no opinion allowed except positive comments about an inferior product.

You only live once so keep it real, I will bend for no man, I will not change me for this site or any for that matter, and I will not go with the flow on any subject full stop.

offgridlife that knows as much about off grid life as a postage stamp is a prime example of follow the trend, bad Putin Bad, but never stops to think about the wider implications, the causes, and his country is as much to blame as mine, but hey, switch off the brain because the media says so, walk a dog and mention blurt 10 times a day.

There is nothing new about blurt, in fact it is so woke 2016 it is a joke.
I feel like I have traveled back in time on here.
So I have set up another account for my next experiment for a friend, and all it is going to do is say how great blurt is, seriously, it seems like what most want, and I will see how much that earns in 6 months.

It will be nothing to do with real life, real subjects, blurt has already proved to me it does not like that, it only likes compliments, and so do most of the people on it.



So there you go, my last article, not that anyone will read it anyway, back to being a 2 cent whore on a 1 cent site. Amen.

Have a great day all the same, peace and out.

100% of any rewards (cough cough) go to #celi130 hope your mother is feeling better.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Hey dude - looks like I'm out of the loop. Not sure what's going on - but I am sure that your perspective and frank discourse is probably more appreciated than you realise.

Friendship = as soon as you swear or put any real emotion into a post the people you talk to every day disappear, which leads to a fake experience.

Such is life - but if we're afraid to say what we truly think, then we aren't being true to ourselves. Give me an authentic wanker over a poetic bullshitter - any day of the week. Not that I'm saying you're a wanker. lol But regardless of whether they like it or leave it, I believe that the vast majority would concede that you're authentic - and aren't afraid to say what you feel. :D

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)


Ah man - I'm really sorry to hear about your troubles, it must be heartbreaking to have to consider separating your family. Raw, real, and a very difficult decision to make. If you ever need anything - or just want to blow off some steam - you know where I am.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Cheers brother, my daughter will be heading to the UK, and my wife, I shall stay, I do not want a fight, but I will.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I read it, for what it's worth. I've learned in order to get a balanced view on something you have to read the one star reviews and not just the five.

I'll keep giving this a chance, but manage my expectations. I still do fine over at Hive monetarily speaking, but definitely feel the lack of engagement. Though it's true, I don't spend enough time trawling posts myself these days.

I am sorry to see you leave here before I had the chance to post about my Crater Earth sci-fi/theory. I posted over on hive about it, but only garnered the interest of a few loyal friends (the post that made the least has the best comment section, mostly thanks to therealpaul) so I went back to my happy happy travel and photography posts.

Good luck, maybe I'll see you around the blogging world. I have no alts, so I'm easy to find-

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I will be back, I promised #practicalthought so I will as I am a man of my word, I am just dis-apointed right now at the amount of arguments on here, the lack of direction, from top down, would love to read your articles when I have time.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Downvoting will always be used to exert power over others (steem /hive).

By definition the mechanisms that allow for it - means it will be used by weak ego's and juvenile minds - that can't be worked around with the 'code is law' and DPoS together.

Hive and steem are more capable of controlling others than any other platform without a downvote.

As you said, you're pulling $150 a week from hive - but that's only because you're being allowed to .
i.e you are always living 'by someone else's leave' (serfdom)... under the yolk of others.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

The funny thing is, all the posts I did on here I simply copied and pasted to hive, so it was double bubble, but then I put VYB and POB in the footer too, so that is 1 article on 4 sites, now as people think hive is bad, and not tolerant, look at the rewards on hive compared to here?
Sure there is less interaction or comments on hive than here (My own fault for not trawling the place), but on here most of the comments come back and upvote themselves, that was insulting back in the steemit days, I can only imagine how insulting it is now as a newb on here, history repeats, this site is nothing new, hence the price, not buying in, not a chance.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

It still doesn't change dynamic - you are under someone elses decision to make or not , no matter if you fool yourself it's otherwise.

(like your posts being downvoted during the me, @frot, debacle over there.

You are ALWAYS at the whims of others deciding for you - I can't live like that.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Honestly speaking I think the entire online thing should have no tokens attached, I do not give a shit about money, tokens the lot, introducing incentives to follow the crowd, be popular by saying the right thing is moronic, it leads to a mirror of society at large, think like me or else. I care not for any token, I care not for bending over and accepting the MSM drivel, I am sovereign, I can not be bought, neither can my opinion.
Hive, steemit, here, 1 and the same, if you do not follow what the MSM says, the morons here will not follow you, will not vote for you. You get more respect insulting hive.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I don't disagree.

You are ALWAYS at the whims of others deciding for you

True Hive definition

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Did you just post about you getting a dog ?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It was a fox, but looks like a bear, and makes strange noises.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Get well soon celi130's mom.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Cheers buddy, she needs medications so I was doing posts to raise some funds for her, they are in Venezuela I think, going to send them some blurt to help out all the same, never met them, but do I need to - to care? No.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Maybe I'll catch you on Bayston.

I'll miss your frank voice. It's kind of like I was walking down the hall and I heard these kids saying how much they like everything and then one kid says to me how much this puke green hallway is making him sick. He's got the guts to voice it. That one kid that speaks his mouth off because it is true and everybody knows it and no one knows how to fix it.

Oh look. There goes the Emperor now. Did you check out that new outfit?

It's fine.


I think we all faced the no liquid blurt problem when we first started. I bought some from somewhere. Other friends called me on discord and asked me for a little liquid because they powered everything up. Screw it. There's got to be an better way. I just can't think of one now.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Lost my login on there a few laptops ago, reading The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness. CJ Calleman for the fun of it now.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I have a decent sized investment in Bastyon, and am into that, but i have seen some really good content on Blurt and think it has some good engagement. Hive sucks balls and im fully over it...

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Your comment is not valid, as you are in our brat pack, get back in that box you tranny. Man or dude?

Will Smiths thing.


  ·  2 years ago  ·  


  ·  2 years ago  ·  


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Unfortunately people will be people weather that's on Hive,Steemit or Blurt. Guess I might see you post on Hive still sometimes. Hope you have fun and that war doesn't come your way.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I will post on hive brother, when I have time, this site is what it is, what they made it, up to them, I do not have to live it, they do, have a great day brother.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Cheers mate.