For the record - @practicalthought - @blurt

in blurt •  2 years ago 


That is 21 kilos dead, for Ukrainians staying in the community centers.

My wife and I picked them today and dropped them off to them, for free.

No it is not a drone or bombs megamouth,

Seems he has some history of ripping people off does old god complex megamouth with his hangers on, yes men, like @practicalthought, that thinks it is okay to freeze other peoples accounts and sell their tokens at a loss to them, not to megamouth, as megamouth has a history of theft anyway.

The blurt foundation seems to have 1 member plus a few yes men hangers on, rycharde, practicalthought being 2.

My idea of a foundation is one that helps society, you know, like we do here, in real life.
Now @practicalthought will call this "a rage post" as I am clearly aiming a dig at him for sucking up to someone I consider insane in @megadrive.

I have seen this particular lunatic want to buy a drone to add more insult to what is an ongoing 8 year, yes 8 year civil war in the Ukraine.
Yes Russia have joined in, but NATO and the Ukraine government had a lot of influence on that decision.

When megamouth admitted he was insane for wanting to buy a drone to help the war effort, I sent him a link so he could offer $1000 to go towards refugees here in Poland, he never bothered to donate, no surprise there.

Every day since this war kicked off, my wife, my daughter and I have helped the escapees, in real time, not with a fake foundation that only profits myself.

Can we have a list of who this foundation gives money to?

All the same nice to see someone that has got a clue post.

I will be keeping a close eye on what megamouth says, £329 I have spent on solicitors fees with regards ways to combat megamouth and his intended actions to freeze accounts.

I will spend thousands more if it stops the lunatic from being a tyrant with his bunch of yes men, that think it is okay to turn blurt into a trust less token, where anyone who does not agree with megamouth gets frozen out of the community via force.
I felt passion towards blurt, I liked 99.9% of the people, I have tried to directly help many, and when I get angry because every time megamouth has a brain fart and ruins the price of blurt, well excuse me for giving a shit about my own investment.

Every time that idiot falls out with double-u or @ctime, or anyone else, the price plummets.
I have watched my own investment here go down from £3000 to $800, and in steps, every-time he opens his big mouth and argues in public.
If he was my PR man at any company I have owned, he would be out of a job and claiming state benefits.

I realise my passion is tooooooo much for the likes of yes men, and those with heads so far up an anus they have not seen daylight for 2 years, but and a big butt, no not that kind, I cared.

I have no interest in towing any line, I have no interest in following the crowd, being a yes man.

I hope it works out on here, I would like my $3000 not a paltry $800.
May I suggest someone gag the mouth piece? He is no more than an extension to hivewatchers, as admitted by his royal megamouth himself.

Have a superb day, RAGE QUIT @prat ical no thought yes man will say again "yawn".....

I must say, I was shocked to see two of you so stuck up a thieves ass you could not see the sunshine.

Rewards declined, no interest in tokens till the lunatic and his fake foundation is gone.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

hey practical thought never said that, he is also disappointed right now and even if he wasn't he has every right to have any opinion he wants as a free individual. I think you are taking your anger out on the wrong people. I do agree that there is an unfortunate circle of yes people however, as since seeing pasted chats from discord it's obvious that people who say no or have an opposing opinion on things are asked to leave the witness discord, that to me was really despicable practise for a site supposedly run on the premise of free speech. I also agree that had MD just not made any posts or comments over the last 3 months blurt would probably be on 6 c by now. I can't decide if it's genuine cluelessness or an ulterior motive because he is a smart guy and surely he can see he is just single handedly destroying the price with every post. My heart is with those that invested thousands believing that this was a place for free speech and with better morals.

Morality is super relative and that's why I am a free speech maximalist

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hi UT, I am basing my dig at pt based on conversations on here over the last week where he was "not" taking a stance against the theft of tokens and megamouths post inviting people like ctime to leave or else.

You can read my conversations with him on here, they are all public and open to scrutiny by you or anyone else.

I have no interest in editing those conversations or changing a single word I have said.

I am watching a train wreck in slow motion and as you say, without the actions of 1 man, megamouth, we could be riding a wave upwards, not spiraling into being worth nothing.

Jacob has a valid and good point about making alt front ends.

Well he’s a neutral person and mostly tries to look at things neutrally it’s up to him what he says sent arnt you pushing for free speech? You can’t be a hypocrite with that.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you for helping feed these people 👍. And maybe a new front end could be a good idea as already suggested in comments.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

On it tomorrow bud, from a negative let us make a positive, seems logical.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I'll also vote for all your posts and comments, but right now it's just pennies

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I want to see the list of who this "foundation" helps, is it people in Africa? Is it building wells for people with no water? Feeding Venezuelans that are suffering hyperinflation? Maybe the homeless around the world? Food banks even? What good is this foundation doing in the real world besides self serving?.

I doubt I will get any answers.

Blurt has so many positive factors and could be used for good, I am yet to see this foundation do anything of use, I may be wrong and am willing to be proven wrong.

I don't believe in helping only those people though, I think everyone has their own needs, I know people in London that need money for survival, sure it's a bit different but we can't just only charitiy one section of society and forget the rest, I think the nice thing about these platforms is they are fair and empower anyone to make some extra £ that they might use for fun or for materials, learning a new hobby or to survive. People don't need to be a charity as such here because if the platform does well people can just genuine generate their own income, even a homeless person could eventually if they can find a way to cash out. I think it can be used to empower not just as a charity.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

But the name "foundation" suggests doing things in real life for people not just self, unless your name is Bill Gates.

There is go fund me for that

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You are not getting it, stop being defensive, megamouth has set up a fake foundation, he wants to control the entire chain, who can speak, who can not, who he wants gone, everything in his mind is about protecting a fake foundation that only serves him and a few he chooses.

Once again, we haven't set up a fake foundation, we didn't set up a foundation. It doesn't exist. You can find hundreds of statements or maybe a dozen or who knows how many from myself stating that fact that go back a very very very long time thank you very much

Also let's just provide a little context color and detail here, this fellow here he thinks that he is going to accomplish blockchain state changes by contacting the FBI. If anything we should be questioning his ability to use his own mind.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

So why does megamouth keep saying the blurt foundation? Either I am confused, or he is insane? Which is it, Who mentioned the FBI?

I dunno I think people can do their own charities on blurt tbh and everyone can be empowered to earn an income from their talents. I see it more as empowering than a charity platform.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Just so you know..........this penguin below is watching for bullying behavior !

.....nothing to do with your own financial issues, as such - but all to do with freezing accounts for free speech
(according to the very, very, intelligent @bullywatch and their watch list , that is... )

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The penguin is nuts I tells ya, nuts.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Reg needs a bbq with reg on it 😂

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hello. Thank you for taking action against megadaddy. I have a couple of ideas:

I agree with author of this post 100%
This means that the Blurt Community must judicially take back total control of this blockchain from the hands of a lunatic and manipulator like @megadrive is, he must return 45 M BLURT that were printed by a non-existent foundation, to the community. To DAO.

  • it might be worth for your solicitors to contact and see if they can file a lawsuit together

  • you can organize a public fundraising here on Blurt and maybe other community members will also contribute to the cost. Even if not, I'm not going to let you pay for everything out of your own pocket.

I'm in contact with @mariuszkarowski, he'll also donate for sure

Please publish your addresses of such cryptocurrencies as BITCOIN, ETH, STEEM, HIVE, TRX, LITECOIN, BNB ... - I have all of them and I will be happy to donate

(to be honest, I don't know if it's a good idea to make your crypto address public, but if it was a new address just for that purpose I think it would be OK)

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

This is some very silly stuff. He does not control the chain, nor do I.

I think that the most meaningful move that could be taken by any investor or user is to create additional frontend interfaces. The more of these we have, the less control the founding team has and that is by design. That is explicitly my desire.

Megadrive does not control this chain, nor do I.

He does. Even if we get a witness voted in they are removed from discord chats if they disagree with MD. how on Earth is anyone going to create change if they can’t even be heard in the places that control the funds and how they are spent. Right now we have a dictatorship. Did you see anyone get asked anything? Only proposals that get funded are ones MD chooses, the only witnesses allowed in discord are the ones that MD chooses, the only accounts that get threatened to have the wallets frozen are the ones MD chooses and if anyone/ even a voted in witness disagrees they get kicked out. How is anyone supposed to make a change? . I think a new front end is a good idea personally if Jacob can’t come in and kick some sense into the place. All eyes are on Jacob rly right now but it can’t hurt to have new front end options or even forks tbh. Competition isn’t always bad.

Who owns keys to socialgraph and initblurt accounts?

additional frontend interfaces have nothing to do with witness ranking control via socialgraph and initblurt accounts

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you for the advice, I think that is more of use than taking legal action that would drag on years and be costly for all parties.

You are the sensible one it seems from founding members, and it is nice to see.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Just so you know, part of that, includes a very conscious decision on my part, to watch the chain develop as opposed to attempting to intervene in its development.

I believe that mega drive has done absolutely stellar work on blurt. If I didn't think that, I would say it. Also, I think that a great deal of his work was necessary. I do not think that every choice or statement that he made was correct but that does not matter to me because he always acted in an ethical manner.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I beg to differ with "because he always acted in an ethical manner" as when he was threatening to freeze funds and force off a minnow like @lucylin just because he does not like peoples "words" that is not ethical and very destructive, as was his wish to buy a drone and send it to the Ukraine where a civil war has raged (fact) for 8 years now.

His treatment of @double-u, @ctime, @lucylin and @mariuszkarowski has at times been verging on hysterical, which is why if he was my PR spokeman he would be out of a job.
As stated in my article, every time he makes a hate post or speaks about inviting people to leave here the price tanks or plummets.

Is he doing this on purpose? As he must be able to see the correlation between the price drops and his own negative actions.

I disagree with this drone thing tho MD is entitled to want to send in a drone if he wants as long as it’s clear it’s his opinion not blurts. Having said that it’s easy to get the two mixed up which is why on the most part it’s good for founders make it clear their opinion is not the opinion of the platform and seperate their identify vitalik does a decent job of this.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It would be better all round if he was seen and not heard, if he only spoke telling people about new and great ideas, not his shitty opinion of who he wants to argue with this week. He should be promoting this place, not policing it, not telling people to leave with larger investments than his as he never bought his.

Here we agree if he is going to post loose canon it needs to be clear at the top it’s opinion not an official statement. If we make these types of posts everyone knows it’s our opinion, as a co founder he doesn’t have that luxury so needs to be more careful or be clear at the top it’s an opinion not a statement

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

... because he always acted in an ethical manner.

OMG, we almost all know different!

he'll also donate for sure

for sure

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I am always wary of people that take funds via fundraising as then I would have to publish results of where the money is going all the time, so I am willing to take the burden of the costs solo.
Thank you kindly for the offer.

The alt front end suggestion by @jacobgadikian sounds like a better plan, maybe between yourself, @mariuszkarowski and myself we could come up with a new front end, even if it is only paying to get one made, I am willing if you two are?

@mariuszkarowski has my email address it is [email protected], if you want we can do 3 way chats on there no problem at all.

Have a superb day ahead.

Hi blurt community, if you begin sending cryptocurrency to random individuals from blurt, please do understand that you are most likely being scammed. These people are discussing positively bizarre legal precepts, and then saying that you can send them cryptocurrency to support said positively bizarre legal precepts. Please do not send cryptocurrency to randos from blurt. Thank you.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Nobody I have seen has asked anyone to send anyone any crypto, can you show a link as proof?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

hehe brilliant analisys ;)
we found the same reasons for the actual miserry

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Lol, got to say it the way you see it brother.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I keep on getting depressed day by day as I see this platform going down gradually 😔😔…at this point I dnt even think everything is going to be better here as time goes on. I just hope there is a way forward to make something

Posted from

I strangley think it’s evolving. Think about it hive is stuck. No one dares speak up or so few that they have 0 power to me it represents something just completely stuck/ not moving or evolving. It just feels stagnant and old to me. It’s like one of those countries that just settles for having a dictatorship. Blurt is kind of like the Uk back when the monarchy beheaded people for things they could get away with themselves but the ppl are sick and tired and have taken up arms and civil war is happening. I don’t really like war but when you look at history it was mostly civil wars that led to evolution. Finding freedom in a world that doesn’t want you to be free and sovereign was never going to be a walk in the park. Most first world countries went through some very chaotic internal times to get to where they are. Sometimes empowering free speech takes a bit of time.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It is just a process I believe everything is going to be perfect at the end 💯💯

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Give it a few weeks and things will change for the better, stay positive, think positive, and together we shall make it so, hang in there.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I’m not going to give up easily…we keep on grinding 💪💯

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

blurt vip coming soon brother.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Really can’t wait 💪

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Positive bro, we need more of it.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Sent you 50 blurt brother, enjoy

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Really appreciate your kindness sir 💪💯

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Welcome brother.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you for the support that you are giving people caught in a very rough patch of life. When elephants fight the grass suffers and that is what we are seeing there and here on blurt.

Maybe you and many others can just mute MD because most of what he says is only what can be said and does not effect how blurt moves forward as it relies more on code than his sentiment. Also as I try to understand everyone's motivations and provide a level of empathy to every action of each person who does things based upon their motivations I am not ever defending him or some of the things he says. But I see a lot of people operating from a place of fear and saying things and doing things from that place that hurts their own investment and others. Maybe that is a big protocol shortfall of the social blockchain, that it is very much at the risk of a lot of bullshit and FUD that does not actually have any bearing on how it will behave or who has what power.

I wish everyone would just mute people that are triggering them. Continue to post and vote for what they like and continue to rake in the rewards for using the chain for how it is supposed to be used.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I would not get pissed off if everything he does did not ruin the price of blurt, but for that I would mute him, although then I would not be able to see why my investment is down 200%.

Got some plans in place for a positive move forward, thanks for the comment, much appreciated.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you for supporting those people that need your help. God bless you

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you, have a superb weekend.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  
Rage quitt'n and powerdowning in times of panic selling and thus creating more hysteria fear and confusion affecting many people is a kind of impractical thought but it happened to become a reality for this impracticalguy and proves what a seemingly supporter of Blurt is particularly during these times of troubles. Just good for his big mouth and cunning ability to influence his own "Yes Men".
  ·  2 years ago  ·  

There is little to no point in selling blurt right now due to the low value.
There is also no need to quit, we will just make a new front end, possibly offer a community vote on what to call it, from negative times we can make positive moves forward, hope you join in with a positive vibe coming soon right here.

There is nothing that can be done to undo the damage of the past, but we can move forward in a positive direction, if you would like to join in maybe we can make a group chat somewhere, but not discord, nothing good comes from that place.

Have a superb day, hope you are feeling better.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Decentralized Blurt …


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Looks good from here.

Thank you for supporting these people through their difficult time by feeding them.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Welcome, we do it every day as we have a farm, and there is more than enough food to go around and share. Have a great day.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Beautiful 👏✊🙏✌️

Hey man,
Would you care to Talk talk? I'm disabled for many years now, and just moreso out of laziness these days, but it's easier for me to just converse over ANYTHING BUT DISCORD...
I'm on Matrix Element and Telegram for international calls but I can give you an old fashioned telephone number too if you like.
Skype is also an option.

Kind regards 🥓

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Sure buddy, do you do wahtsapp? I am always up for a chat, we can put the world to rights over a good chat.