It's been a year, what's good?

in blurt •  10 months ago 

Wow. It's been an entire year since I last posted here on Blurt. I'm glad to see the platform is still up and running. Honestly I thought it was all going to crash and burn when one day I logged in last year and found the same level of drama that was on Steemit before. I'm not a big drama guy. I just like to create and share content. I try not to get involved in the politics and fighting on these platforms haha.


Anyway, hope you're all doing well.

The worst of the bear market is over now so we should be looking ahead, starting in Q4, eagerly to happier times. The macro conditions are still somewhat shaky, and some economic issues are predicted ahead, but I truly believe the worst is over.

The down times are meant for building. Those that build in the down times will shine bright when the good times come around. I don't know how much building has been happening on Blurt, since I haven't kept up with the platform, but I hope it's been happening. The fact that it's still running, and not dead like Smoke or Whaleshares, is a great sign.

The next bull market is going to be huge for Web3 social media platforms. Elon Musk, Jack Dorsy and the likes have been trying their best this whole time to re-invent the wheel. What already exists, and has been shown to the best paradigm for Web3 social media, is being ignored by them. Eventually, when all their projects fail to take off, people will realise we've been here this whole time.

I'm going to take a look around Blurt to see what's happening here and what people are posting. I may decide to stick around and post a lot more on here if I like what I see.

Peace & Love,


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Curated by @ultravioletmag

Thank you

Welcome back


  ·  10 months ago  ·  

See you next year!

(just kidding)


I think Bitcoin and Blurt will be the only 2 that survive. Keep stacking … Blurt and Bitcoin…

You really believe this? Only Blurt and Bitcoin? wow. that's confidence.

  ·  10 months ago  ·   (edited)

Absolutely. I have done very well with just these two ... HBD used to be good ... but it looks like they are ending the 20 % interest soon.

  ·  10 months ago  ·   (edited)

HBD 20% is unsustainable. I'm surprised it lasted this long.

  ·  10 months ago  ·   (edited)

Yes… close to the cost of inflation …

Prices for many grocery items have continued to increase month after month and, on balance, are 20% above levels reported two years earlier,” the report by StatCan says. Jul 26, 2023