Cell is the basic unit of life and it contains a number of cell organelles like mitochondria, golgi apparatus, and a nucleus etc a haploid spermatid contains Dictyosome, lysosome and golgi body. Sperms are very motile or mobile, to provide real mobility of sperms the superflous material will be discarded thus two parts of the spermatids are formed into head and tail.There are many changes and it's components in the sperm head like acrosome and nucleus and there should definitely changes in the sperm head.
Interchanges in the nucleus
When the spermiogenesis takes place with in the nucleus the spermatid shrinks by shedding of its water from the nuclear sap and the chromosomes becomes tightly packed in the small unit or volume. Primarily sperm nucleus are rich in Riboneuclic acid which is completely eliminated and leaving only there genetic material in the form of deoxyriboneulic protein. The genetic material which is completely removed with in the cell nucleus. The genetic material DNA in some cases is associated with proteins in the form of histones and are replaced by mini proteins called PROTOAMINES
photocaption from book
In the next topic i will tell you about interchanges in the Dictyosome if anybody have any question feel free to ask