Reintroducing Myself to BLURT.

in blurt •  3 years ago 

I haven't posted onto this blockchain in a long time.

I read @lucylin's blog for his political commentary and anti HIVE abuse rants ... and also just for the love of some good ole drama! whips out bag of popcorn. I think @lucylin literally brainwashed me into going back on BLURT. I'm not sure if I believe in BLURT long term ... but it certainly is a nice option to have around if I decide to, for example, criticize a large witness or critique the DAO system.

I might even wish to blog about something wacky like Britney Spears conservatorship. Who the fuck knows.

Speaking of wacky ... I have questions about BLURT like what is stopping me from uploading straight up porn like booby pics of Britney Spears. No one can downvote me tee-hee-hee. Childish I know, but a good question.

I could see BLURT becoming popular if Whales and top Witnesses continue their unfair voting regimens. Especially if it gets worse. #BLURT might be a good option to keep certain types of blogs monetized. Political, conspiratorial ... but also just fair critiques of HIVE that whales downvote.

Everyone remembers the famous downvoted for aggrandizement comment from @ned.

The biggest "problem" I see with BLURT is there isn't much development compared to HIVE. I believe this is why the price is lower. There is no #BLURT-engine for example. I have not seen any examples of BLURT #nfts. This could all change long term, but for now I understand peoples skepticism about BLURT.

There is something oddly wholesome about not seeing a downvote button next to people's blogs. I think I like it. Only positivity. No flag wars. No demonetization.

I think I could get used to it here. Especially after seeing the flag abuse going on lately. And maybe a simple version of HIVE is a good thing. I don't see anything about a BLURT dao/proposal system. Probably a good thing.

If BLURT fails I won't be too worried. I need a good place to rant anyways. Blockchains are perfect for diaries if you really think about it. Or ... rambling rants.

Okay quickly about me: I've been on HIVE for ... ever. All the tribes ... all the nfts All the honeys.

@a1-shroom-spores ... out.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  


Welcome back to,Blurt. I made about $50,000 here so far. Sold some. Bought a car, travelled across Canada making movies.

Blurt is the place to be.

A real car … not a Lambo, but the actual owner of Lamborghini…


Then we also built one for Xbox live and The Metaverse ..





Great success story!

I could use a new car Lol.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

You will be able to buy a lot more than a car with your Blurt. Power up and earn Blurt like crazy,

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Hopefully it will attract more and more from 'that place that shall not be named'...

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

It feels far more sane, and positive, doesn't it?...

That'd be because it is !

It really does. It feels more relaxing and drama free like a blogging site should be.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Tons and tons of developments on Blurt …. Especially related to Cosmos and Polygon. Airdrops coming … power up, and earn huge buckets of blurt from Curation. Blurt is the future of Blockchain crypto blogging, NFT, and defi. It’s all here.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Being a tech numpty, there's not a lot I can do to to help in that department...

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

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