in blurt-seven •  3 years ago 

There's so much to be grateful for.

Sometimes all we need to go further is to step back and show appreciation for how far we've come amidst the challenges and pressure to give up.

We are humans, we are work in progress, we are souls on a journey.

We occupy different rungs on the ladder to success, but no one is absolutely at the top because it stretches to infinity.

It is only when we appreciate those shaky steps that birthed our little wins that we can take bold steps that attracts bigger wins.
Learn to recognize some of the priceless gifts you already poseses that really matter....

The breathe of life, the bonds of friendship, family and love.

The daily nourishment of your mind, body, and spirit.

The dedication to your responsibilities, and the adherence to your dreams.

Let go of the illusionary statement "I will be happy when...." forgetting that genuine happiness comes with no timetable.

The journey is the destination, the means is the end.
Take note of your everyday blessings and be grateful.

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