Two Ways To Escape Competition In your Niche in 2022.

in blurt-seven •  3 years ago 

The reason I share this sensitive information with you is so that you will be better prepared for 2022.

From goal setting to execution, the goal is to get you fired up to execute. This time around you will not be shadow boxing but with a target.


There will always be a competitor. it's no news that somebody is already doing what you are doing or want to do. Even if you are the first to start it, someone will show up with a similar service or product and compete with you.

You might have heard a thousand strategies or ways to deal with situations like this, you might need to add these two to them.



The man that knows his value never competes.

You might need to read that again.

Apple is in a class of its own, they don't need to compete with Dell and I meant no disrespect to Dell, just to help drive home the point.

The question is, what do you bring to the market, how unique is it and what problem does it solve, it has to be clear to you.

But that's not all, read the second one.



A unique FEW is better than a lot of GENERAL people.

you might need to write that down.

Until you discover who your message, service, or product is for, you will keep thinking that the guy next door or street is your competitor.

It has to be clear to you. Are they black people? Okay maybe they are, are they black people living in the US, Europe, Asia, or Africa.

You think that I don't need to put Africa there, but remember, we still have blacks in other parts of the world.

They are not all in Africa. It has to be clear to you.


If you are a copywriter, you might need to take the above points seriously.

The fact that your product is for black women doesn't mean that every black woman should use it.

Find out who it's meant for, where they are and why it's specifically for them.

The goal is to discover who your value is for and take it to them.

You are not called to everyone. No matter how beautiful an iPhone is, everyone will not use it.

Find those that you are called to and serve them.

Should I give you another point?

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