Which Talents You Wish You Had?

in blurt-pakistan •  2 years ago 

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Which Talents You Wish You Had?

Everyone have talent, someone has coding skills, someone has hard skills. This is a very good question. Now I am student of BS-CS. I started 2020, On that time I don't knew what is programming and how many programming languages. But after some time I know everything. 1st and 2nd semester I worked as .NET developer and Android developer. But When I was a 3rd semester I started Game development. I am really comfortable in game development. I want to carry my career as a game developer.
Sometimes I wish I had this coding skill in my 1st year. If I had these skills on my college time, Now I am some better at this time. Coding is not a difficult, But coding takes time. I have all accessories related to computer in my college time.


I wish I had the best football skills. I wish I am the best player of football. I love to play football, But I don't have any time to play football. Because of my university classes and also extra courses. But I also take time to play football. I am not the best player. Sometimes I played little-bit good. My friend tell me how to play, but unfortunately I can’t. Even I missed some matches. Those my team played and tournaments.

Thank you


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