My passion for food

in blurt-food •  3 years ago 


The love for food is something that I must say that I carry in my blood, my grandfather was a lover of good traditional Venezuelan food and it was so much so that until his last days of life he tried to indulge his tastes, in fact, that was what it killed him, but that's another story for a heart disease post :V


Sometimes the simplest thing is what brings back the most memories, in my case an arepa with fried egg and grated cheese is my best memory, my grandmother made it for breakfast and there was no better way to start the day than with this breakfast and seeing the comics that spent the weekends on television.


As I grew older my tastes changed and I began to fall in love with street food, not for nothing, but in Venezuela they make the best hot dogs in the world, I see documentaries from other countries and they are too simple, I have tried them replicate at home and yes, they are rich, although they do not compare with ours, the famous cold bullets.


And yes, it is that in fact I studied gastronomy, although I do not make a living as a Chef, I do not lose the customs and the desire to learn and practice the profession, whenever I can and have time, I prepare things at home that are a little out of the common or good, that escape a little from the daily routine, since it is not every day you can make a pizza without yeast and dough flavored with toasted corn.


To finish I have to say that I am lucky, since I found the ideal person with whom to share my passion for food, basically I already have someone to get fat with forever and ever.

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