Sin City [1]

in blurt-connect •  last year 

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También era conocida con otros muchos nombres, la ciudad del Diablo, de la Muerte, del Caos y la Podredumbre, cualquier epíteto le quedaba corto, porque en Sin City nadie es lo que parece ni parece lo que realmente es, si deambulas por sus calles solo puedes estar seguro de una cosa, si te portas bien y cumples con todas las reglas igual algún día acabaras muerto o algo peor, pero si te portas mal y las rompes es porque de hecho ya estas muerto o algo mucho peor!!!.

Sin City - El detective

John Mackallahan un militar retirado, antiguo miembro de un letal equipo de comando SEAL apodados «La Muerte Negra» cuando se trataba de matar, destruir o explotar en mil pedazos alguna base o nicho enemigo eran los primeros en ser convocados, aunque John disfrutaba lo que hacia hace unos cuantos años atrás se canso de hacer el trabajo sucio para el tío Sam por un miserable sueldo, decidió cambiar de rumbos y profesión, asentándose desde entonces en Sin City y convirtiéndose en un detective privado!!!. Esa noche seguía en su oficina ubicada en un tugurio del centro de la ciudad, su reloj marcaba mas de las 11, la hora del lobo estaba por llegar, bebía un doble escoses sentado al frente del televisor viendo la retransmisión de una vieja película, aunque tenía un trabajo pendiente, no podía apartar sus ojos de la pantalla, era su película favorita, fue un fracaso de taquilla, con una trama inexistente y unas actuaciones tan deplorables que los críticos la volvieron añicos, pero toda esa mierda no le importaba un carajo a John, a el solo le interesaban las curvas y los enormes pechos de la protagonista de «La Pirata Roja», esa combinación eran suficiente gancho para un hombre como el, total John Mackallahan no era un critico de cine, y tampoco un detective, -ring, ring, ring-, el teléfono en su escritorio repicaba, John no se molesta en levantarse para contestar, ¿tal vez sea un nuevo caso que estaba tocando a su puerta?, ¿quien Carajos lo iba a llamar tan tarde en aquella oscura, helada y lluviosa noche para contratar sus servicios?, pero esa no era la pregunta que te debieras plantear, cualquiera que usara su sano juicio al ver a John Mackallahan, sabría que un hombre de su envergadura , con su rostro duro, sus mas de dos metros de altura y tan ancho como una pared de ladrillos o concreto, no podría ser detective privado en Sin City o en ningún otro lugar.

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El cartel de «detective privado» colgado sobre la puerta de su oficina era tan solo una tapadera para justificar ante hacienda las entradas de dinero a su caudal, pues John Mackallahan no habia investigado un caso o tomado la fotografía de algún marido o esposa infiel saliendo de un sucio motel en mas de 15 años que llevaba trabajando como detective en la ciudad, Sin City no necesitaba detectives privados gigantes que no pudieran pasar desapercibidos, que al verles la estampa todos quedaran intimidados por su tamaño y su duro rostro, pero la ciudad si necesitaba de buenos rompe huesos, de expertos aprieta tuercas, de gente muy mala que estuviera dispuesta a hacer cosas peores para solucionar algún inconveniente siempre y cuando hubiera una buena cantidad de dinero de por medio, desde hace algunos años la mafia en Sin City ya no era lo que era en sus buenos años dorados, ahora salía mucho mas barato contratar a un extraño para hacer los trabajos que encomendarle la tarea a alguien de la familia, solo levantabas el teléfono y hacías una llamada a la persona indicada, era no solo mucho menos complicado, no habia que pagarles un plan dental, ni darles una bonificación de fin de año, tampoco había necesidad de enviar flores al hospital o al cementerio si algo llegaba a salir mal durante el trabajo.

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Aunque con John Mackallahan rara vez algo salía mal durante un trabajo, a pesar de su tamaño, era muy rápido, condenadamente rápido cuando debía serlo, frío y letal, si llamaban a John para ir detrás de tu cuello, podías darte por muerto!!!. Dentro de sus muchas capacidades el mejor trabajo que desempeñaba y realmente disfrutaba John Mackallahan era desaparecer gente que no necesitaba desaparecer, era tan bueno en ello que algunas veces lo hacia solamente por el puro placer que le proporcionaba cazar, algunas noches aburrido en su oficina, tomaba las llaves de su viejo Plymouth barracuda y salía a recorrer las oscuras y podridas calles de Sin City hasta llegar a un bar cualquiera o a cualquier bar, entraba, se detenía en la puerta, mientras todos lo observaban el también se tomaba un minuto para revisar el lugar de arriba a abajo, entonces caminaba hasta la barra y le pedía un dobles escoses al barman, luego de tomarse dos, tres, o a veces cuatro, era entonces que se tomaba el tiempo para elegir al azar a alguien dentro del bar, podía ser la rubia cantante, o uno de los trompetistas negros de la banda, el maestro de ceremonias, quizás una de las lindas camareras, o tal vez uno de los borrachos que hablaba sin parar, otras veces elegía a la chica mas sexy del bar, o a la mas fea y gorda, a veces el elegido era el tipo gracioso que llevaba todo el rato desde que entro contándole chistes malos o buenos a sus amigos eso era lo de menos, John Mackallahan no discriminaba por sexo, raza, edad, condición social, profesión, físico, o humor!!!, era tan solo que disfrutaba despareciendo gente que no necesitaba desaparecer.

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-Ring, ring, ring!!!-, cuando volvió a repicar su teléfono John no se molesto en levantarse para contestar, se sirvió otro doble escoses, todavía faltaba una escena, la pirata roja junto a sus hombres abordaría el galeón ingles para rescatar a su novio y recuperar un cofre repleto de oro, John había visto tantas veces la película que sabia exactamente lo que ocurriría a continuación, balanceándose desde un mástil de su nave sujeta a una cuerda, la pirata roja caería sobre la cubierta del galeón ingles destajando con su sable a cualquiera que osara ponerse enfrente, mientras sus enormes pechos no dejarían de rebotar hasta el final.

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It was also known by many other names, the city of the Devil, of Death, of Chaos and Rot, any epithet fell short, because in Sin City no one is what they seem or seem what they really are, if you wander through its streets. You can only be sure of one thing, if you behave well and comply with all the rules you may one day end up dead or worse, but if you behave badly and break them it is because in fact you are already dead or something much worse!!!

Sin City - The Detective

John Mackallahan, a retired military man, former member of a lethal SEAL commando team nicknamed "The Black Death" when it came to killing, destroying or blowing up an enemy base or niche, they were the first to be called, although John enjoyed what he did. A few years ago he got tired of doing dirty work for Uncle Sam for a miserable salary, he decided to change directions and profession, settling since then in Sin City and becoming a private detective!!! That night he was still in his office located in a slum in the center of the city, his clock showed more than 11, the hour of the wolf was about to arrive, he was drinking a double Scotch sitting in front of the television watching the rebroadcast of an old movie, although He had a job pending, he couldn't take his eyes off the screen, it was his favorite movie, it was a box office failure, with a non-existent plot and such deplorable acting that the critics tore it to pieces, but he didn't give a damn about all that shit. John, he was only interested in the curves and the huge breasts of the protagonist of "The Red Pirate", that combination was enough hook for a man like him, John Mackallahan was not a film critic, nor a detective, -ring, ring, ring-, the phone on his desk was ringing, John doesn't bother getting up to answer, maybe it was a new case that was knocking on his door? Who the hell was going to call him so late at that time? dark, cold and rainy night to hire his services?, but that was not the question you should ask yourself, anyone who used their right judgment when seeing John Mackallahan would know that a man of his size, with his hard face, his most At six feet tall and as wide as a brick or concrete wall, he couldn't be a private detective in Sin City or anywhere else.

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The "private detective" sign hanging over his office door was just a cover to justify to the Treasury the receipts of money into his estate, since John Mackallahan had not investigated a case or taken a photograph of an unfaithful husband or wife leaving. from a dirty motel in more than 15 years that he had been working as a detective in the city, Sin City did not need giant private detectives who could not go unnoticed, who when seeing their image everyone would be intimidated by their size and hard face, but the city If it needed good bone-breakers, screw-tightening experts, very bad people who were willing to do worse things to solve a problem as long as there was a good amount of money involved, for some years now the mafia in Sin City has already It was not what it was in its good golden years, now it was much cheaper to hire a stranger to do the work than to entrust the task to someone in the family, you just picked up the phone and made a call to the right person, it was not only much less complicated, there was no need to pay them for a dental plan, nor give them a year-end bonus, nor was there a need to send flowers to the hospital or cemetery if something went wrong during work.
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Although with John Mackallahan nothing rarely went wrong during a job, despite his size, he was very fast, damn fast when he needed to be, cold and lethal, if John was called to go after your neck, you could be dead!! !. Within his many abilities, the best job that John Mackallahan did and really enjoyed was disappearing people who did not need to disappear, he was so good at it that sometimes he did it just for the pure pleasure that hunting gave him, some nights bored in his office, He took the keys to his old Plymouth barracuda and went out to walk the dark and rotten streets of Sin City until he reached any bar or any bar, he entered, stopped at the door, while everyone watched him, he also took a minute to check the place from top to bottom, then he would walk up to the bar and ask the bartender for a double scotch, after drinking two, three, or sometimes four, it was then that he would take the time to randomly choose someone inside the bar, he could be the blonde singer, or one of the black trumpet players in the band, the master of ceremonies, maybe one of the pretty waitresses, or maybe one of the drunks who talked non-stop, other times I chose the sexiest girl in the bar, or the ugliest and fattest, sometimes the chosen one was the funny guy who had been telling bad or good jokes to his friends all the time since he came in, that was the least of it, John Mackallahan did not discriminate based on sex, race, age, social status , profession, physique, or humor!!!, it was just that he enjoyed disappearing people who didn't need to disappear.

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-Ring, ring, ring!!!-, when his phone rang again, John did not bother to get up to answer, he helped himself to another double scotch, there was still one scene left, the red pirate along with her men would board the English galleon to rescue her boyfriend and recover a chest full of gold, John had seen the movie so many times that he knew exactly what would happen next, swinging from a mast of his ship attached to a rope, the red pirate would fall on the deck of the English galleon, breaking with her saber at anyone who dared to stand in front of her, while her enormous breasts would not stop bouncing until the end.

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To be continue...

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