La verdadera historia de la Torre de Cristal [Final]

in blurt-connect •  9 months ago 

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La verdadera Historia de la Torre de Cristal [Final]

En su última noche en Town Tale Sam Writer se encontraba sentado en una mesa de la taberna esperando su cena, ya se le habia acabado todas las monedas de su bolsa no podía alargar mas su investigación ni su viaje, mañana partiría de regreso a la capital del reino de Trustland a rendirle cuentas a su Rey!!!, entonces fue sorprendido por una anciana muy vieja, con los cabellos blancos y sus ropas roídas por el tiempo pidiéndole ayuda, Sam le dijo que no ya no le quedan mas monedas y la anciana le respondió que se conformaba con comida ya que tenía mucha hambre, ademas que no seria gratis ya que a cambio ella le contaría la verdadera historia de la Torre de Cristal.

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Sam que ya no le preocupaba tanto la historia si no el estado de carencia en que se encontraba la anciana no dudo en cederle su plato, la anciana devoro el banquete agradeciendo cada bocado con una sonrisa, se notaba que tenía mucho tiempo sin comer, cuando estuvo satisfecha comenzó con su relato, Sam Writer saco una hoja en blanco de su bolso entinto su pluma y comenzó a escribir la verdadera Historia de la Torre de Cristal.

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«Hace muchos años tantos que la propia anciana ya no podía recordar, un valiente y noble caballero ordeno su construcción, fue hecha enteramente de diamantes por una partida enanos venidos de una montaña azules muy lejanas, la Torre sería la casa del caballero que compartiría con su amada, una hermosa joven que había robado su corazón, cuando la torre estuvo terminada, el noble caballero y la hermosa joven se casaron frente a la torre pero nunca pudieron compartir ni una solo noche en la Torre de Cristal, porque ese mismo día la guerra estallo y el valiente guerrero fue llamado por su Rey para proteger el reino».

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Sam Writer escribía disfrutando de cada palabra que dejaba estampada sobre el papel, sin perder detalle de la anciana, los ojos de la relatora comenzaron a llenarse de lagrimas a medida que contaba tal vez su propia historia, Sam no podía dar crédito, recordó que cuando era mucho mas joven en la biblioteca del palacio Real la mas grande y documentada del reino, habia leído sobre esas montañas azules y sobre los enanos que habitaban en ellas, mineros, artesanos capaces de trabajar la piedra y las joyas con tal maestría que podían tallar verdaderas maravillas!!!...

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«Luego de despedirse de su amada esposa, el noble caballero monto en su caballo prometiendo volver pero no pudo cumplir su promesa, una lanza atravesó su pecho en batalla muriendo heroicamente defendiendo a su Reino, cuando la triste noticia llego a los oídos de su bella y joven esposa se le partió el corazón en mil pedazos, corrió a la Torre de Cristal y se encerró en ella sellando las puertas para siempre, llorando la perdida de su amado y nunca jamas mas volvió a salir o se supo algo de ella».

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Vaya que era una bonita historia, Sam agradeció a la anciana que a su vez le agradeció por la comida y se retiro rápidamente después, Sam guardo el escrito en su bolso junto con las otras historias falsas que había documentado durante las ultimas dos semanas, estaba feliz y convencido, ya no haría falta engañar a su Rey inventándose una historia, esta era sin duda la verdadera historia de la Torre de Cristal!!!. Al día siguiente volvería a la capital con la conciencia tranquila y la misión cumplida, pero a la mañana siguiente cuando Sam despertó y comenzó a prepararse para regresar recogiendo todas sus cosas, se dio cuenta que apenas si recordaba la historia de la Torre de Cristal que le contó la anciana la noche anterior, ¿ como era posible ?, el rostro de la anciana también era un borrón en su cabeza, Sam estaba confundido, uno de sus mayores dones que le servían para su carrera de historiador era su gran memoria, Sam podía recordar casi con exactitud cualquier cosa que hubiera leído, mucho mas si el lo habia escrito!!!, fue corriendo hasta su bolso y se apuro en buscar la hoja de papel, pero no la hallo por ningún lado, solo encontro las historias falsas que habia escuchado en Town Tale, el resto de las hojas en el bolso estaban en blanco!!!, la historia que la anciana le habia contado se habia borrado no solo de su memoria si no también de sus escritos.

Sam regreso a la capital del reino, cuando se presento frente a su Rey dio un paso al frente y decidió ser honesto, contándole al Rey toda la verdad de lo sucedido en Town Tale sin guardarse nada, no hubiera sido justo engañarlo a el y a todo el Reino, entregándole plasmada sobre papel una historia falsa, el Rey lo escucho detenidamente Rey pero cuando se dio cuenta que Sam Writer habia regresado con las manos vacias y con una historia fantástica para justificar su fracaso se enojo mucho!!!, el Rey iracundo despidió a Sam de su puesto como historiador del reino ademas de ordenarle nunca jamas osara mostrarse frente a el, ya enviaría a mas historiadores hasta Town Tale para hallar la verdadera historia de la Torre de Cristal, Sam se retiro cabizbajo, consciente de tener suerte de que el Rey no lo mandara a encerrar en una mazmorra por su franqueza!!!, Sam salió del palacio y regreso a su casa, no podía negar estar triste luego de perder su trabajo y con la ira del Rey nadie le daría empleo como historiador, pero a pesar de ello estaba tranquilo con su conciencia eso era lo mas importante, habia hecho lo correcto, una vez que estuvo a solas en su cuarto, mientras guardaba su bolso sacando todos los papeles con las historias que habia escrito en Town Tale al fondo noto algo raro, metió su mano y extrajo un hermoso diamante de un enorme tamaño, muy pesado, era tan perfecto que parecía de Cristal, ¿ como llego allí y sobre todo como no se pudo dar cuenta antes?, Sam jamas lo supo la respuesta.

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La hermosa Torre de Cristal hoy en día continua brillando en el centro de Town Tale, y aunque varios historiadores fueron tras su historia, la verdadera se habia perdido para siempre!!!, o quizás no era una historia para todo el mundo, solo estaba reservada para los oídos de unos pocos, las personas de bien y de noble corazón que a pesar de sus propias necesidades decidían ayudar al prójimo sin esperar nada mas que escucharla a cambio... Esta es la verdadera historia de la Torre de Cristal!!!.

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The True Story of the Crystal Tower [Final]

On his last night in Town Tale Sam Writer was sitting at a table in the tavern waiting for his dinner. He had already run out of all the coins in his bag. He could not extend his research or his trip any longer. Tomorrow he would leave back to the capital. of the kingdom of Trustland to give an account to his King!!!, then he was surprised by a very old woman, with white hair and her clothes worn by time, asking him for help, Sam told her that she no longer has any more coins and The old woman responded that she would settle for food since she was very hungry, and that it would not be free since in exchange she would tell him the true story of the Crystal Tower.


Sam was no longer worried so much about the story but rather about the state of lack where the old woman was, she did not hesitate to give him her plate. The old woman devoured the banquet, thanking each bite with a smile. It was obvious that she had not eaten for a long time. When she was satisfied, she began her story Sam Writer took out a blank sheet of paper. her bag inked her pen and began to write the true History of the Crystal Tower.

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"Many years ago, so many years ago that the old woman herself could no longer remember, a brave and noble knight ordered its construction, it was made entirely of diamonds by a party of dwarves." Coming from a blue mountain very far away, the Tower would be the house of the knight who would share with his beloved, a beautiful young woman who had stolen his heart. When the tower was finished, the noble knight and the beautiful young woman were married in front of the tower but "They were never able to share a single night in the Crystal Tower, because that same day the war broke out and the brave warrior was called by his King to protect the kingdom".

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Sam Writer wrote, enjoying every word she left stamped on the paper, without losing any detail of the old woman. The narrator's eyes began to fill with tears as she told perhaps her own story. Sam couldn't believe it. She remembered that when He was much younger in the library of the Royal Palace, the largest and most documented in the kingdom, he had read about those blue mountains and about the dwarves who lived in them, miners, artisans capable of working stone and jewelry with such mastery that they could carve true wonders!!!...

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"After saying goodbye to his beloved wife, the noble knight mounted his horse promising to return but he could not keep his promise, a spear pierced his chest in battle, dying heroically defending his Kingdom, when the sad The news reached his beautiful young wife's ears, her heart broke into a thousand pieces, she ran to the Crystal Tower and locked herself in, sealing the doors forever, crying for the loss of her beloved and never came out again. or something was heard about her.

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Wow, that was a nice story. Sam thanked the old woman who in turn thanked him for the food and left quickly afterwards. Sam put the writing in his bag along with the other false stories he had documented over the last two weeks. He was happy and convinced, it would no longer be necessary to deceive his King by inventing a story, this was without a doubt the true story of the Crystal Tower!!! The next day he would return to the capital with a clear conscience and the mission accomplished, but the next morning when Sam woke up and began to prepare to return by gathering all his things, he realized that he barely remembered the story of the Crystal Tower that the old woman told him the night before, how was it possible? The old woman's face was also a blur in his head, Sam was confused, one of his greatest gifts that helped him in his career as a historian was his great memory, Sam He could remember almost exactly anything he had read, much more if he had written it!!! He ran to his bag and hurriedly looked for the sheet of paper, but he couldn't find it anywhere, he only found the false stories. that she had heard in Town Tale, the rest of the pages in the bag were blank!!!, the story that the old woman had told her had been erased not only from her memory but also from her writings.

Sam returned to the capital of the kingdom, when he appeared in front of his King, he took a step forward and decided to be honest, telling the King the whole truth about what happened in Town Tale without holding anything back, it would not have been fair to deceive him and everyone. the Kingdom, giving him a false story captured on paper, the King listened to it carefully, but when he realized that Sam Writer had returned empty-handed and with a fantastic story to justify his failure, he became very angry!!!, the King became angry. He fired Sam from his position as historian of the kingdom, in addition to ordering him to never dare show himself in front of him, he would send more historians to Town Tale to find the true history of the Crystal Tower, Sam retired crestfallen, aware of being lucky That the King would not have him locked in a dungeon for his frankness!!!, Sam left the palace and returned to his house, he could not deny being sad after losing his job and with the King's anger no one would give him a job as a historian , but despite this he was clear with his conscience, that was the most important thing, he had done the right thing, once he was alone in his room, while he put away his bag, taking out all the papers with the stories he had written in Town Tale at the same time. At the bottom he noticed something strange, he put his hand in and pulled out a beautiful diamond of enormous size, very heavy, it was so perfect that it looked like glass, how did it get there and above all, how could he not realize it before? Sam never knew. answer.

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The beautiful Crystal Tower today continues to shine in the center of Town Tale, and although several historians went after its story, the real one had been lost forever!!!, or perhaps it was not a story for everyone, it was just reserved for the ears of a few, the good and noble-hearted people who, despite their own needs, decided to help others without expecting anything more than to hear it in return... This is the true story of the Crystal Tower!! !.

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Tan lindo final! Me encantó sobre todo porque giraba en torno a una historia de amor, el amor y yo... Ya me conoces jejejeje. Esas son mis favoritas. (en este caso desamor, me emocionó tanto la parte donde cuentas que la anciana lloró mientras contaba su historia...)

Hermosa de principio a fin.
Atesora cada escrito, mi Gran Amigo. Vale oro.


  ·  9 months ago  ·  

Muchas gracias por las flores mi DulceDama, si me quedo buena esta historia queda a juicio de cada lector determinar quien era la anciana, pero eso se lo dejo a ustedes!!!jejeje.

Un abrazo, saludos a tu esposo y a tus hijos !!!.