La verdadera historia de la Torre de Cristal [1]
El antiguo reino de Trusland era una tierra bendecida por los Dioses, poseedora de una gran belleza y de algunos secretos tan antiguos que se habian perdido de la memoria de los hombres, pero ninguno de ellos era tan apetecible como el que ahora voy a contarles, en una pequeña ciudad bastante alejada de la capital, de nombre Town Tale se erigia en su centro una Torre tan fantastica que muchos dudaban que hubiese sido construida por el hombre, brillaba e iluminaba a toda la ciudad durante el día cuando los rayos del Rey Sol se reflejaban sobre sus muros al danzar en el cielo y tambien durante las noches cuando arriba en lo alto aparecía en todo su esplendor la Diosa Luna desafiando la oscuridad de la noche con sus rayos, era de tal envergadura que era imposible de medir o cuantificar, algunos eruditos matematicos haciendo calculos desde su base afirmaron que era tan alta que su cúspide rozaba las nubes, sus puertas selladas desde hace siglos impedian que alguien pudiera entrar o salir!!! y sus muros eran tan lizos que hacian siemplremente imposible la tarea de escalarlos a los muchos hombres que lo intentaron, la historia de su origen, de como o cuando fue construida siemplemente se habia perdido para siempre, nadie en Trustlando o Town Tale podía recordar la historia de aquella hermosa Torre de Cristal.
Pero un buen día Sam Writer un joven y preparado historiador del reino de Trustland, recibio un mandato de su Rey, debía viajar a Town Tale para develar el misterio que envolvia a la mitica Torre de Cristal, pues desde hacía unos meses corrian los rumores por todo el reino que algunos pobladores habian escuchado su historia!!!, Sam monto en su caballo y cabalgo día y noche por mas de una semana hasta el llegar al lejano pueblo de Town Tale, a varias leguas de camino cuando el pequeño pueblo aun no se podia distinguir, Sam quedo maravillado ante la imponente Torre de Cristal que si era perfectamente apreciable aun desde la lejania!!!, luego de entrar a Town Tale, las historias que habia escuchado con anterioridad hablando de su magnificencia se quedaron cortas, desde cualquier calle si alzabas la vista allí estaba la Torre de Cristal!!!, Sam inmediatamente se presento ante el Alcade de Town Tale, para presentarle el edicto real que lo comisionaba a su tarea de descubrir la verdad oculta tras la gran torre, los rumores habian llegado a la capital y el debia hallar a la persona o personas que conocieran la verdadera historia de la Torre de Cristal!!!, pero el Alcalde rapidamente al tanto que el rumo aunque cierto carecia de valides, ya que las historias no concordaban, un aldeano afirmaba que habia sido una niña pequeña la que le conto la historia, otro que era una hermosa joven la que sabía la verdad, una lavandera en cambio menciono que fue una mujer de mediana edad la que le contó la verdadera historia, otros contaron que se trataba de vieja anciana que parecía fuera de sus cabales.
Para ese momento el alcalde de Town Tale lo tenía muy claro, toda la alaharaca le parecía precisamente puro cuento, mentiras bien contadas para obtener algun beneficio, extrañamente algunos de los que escuchaban la historia la olvidaban rápidamente y los que si la podían recordar, sus historias eran tan disimiles entre ellas que nadie sabia a ciencia cierta cual de todas era la verdadera historia de la Torre de Cristal, solo retazos, pedazos sueltos de aquí y de allá que hacian imposible la tarea de completarla, para mayor dificultad el Alcalde le menciono a Sam Writer que la niña, la joven, la mujer de mediana edad y la anciana siempre pedían algo a cambio por contar la historia, dinero, vino o comida !!!, para el alcade todo era un gran timo, una estafa bien elaborada así que había ordenado a sus soldados estar muy alertas seguro de que solo se trataba de unos aprovechados tratando de tomar ventaja de los pacíficos y nobles habitantes de Town Tale.
Sam Writer luego de hablar con el Alcalde de Town Tale no se amilano, tenia un mandato del Rey que debia ser cumplido, así que luego de hospedarse en una posada inicio su propia investigación, entrevisto a varios de los pobladores que habían escuchado la historia de la Torre de Cristal y ciertamente varios de ellos recordaban solo haberla escuchado y quien se las conto pero no la historia, y los otros, los que si la recordaban eran tan fantasticas y diferentes que no se podia dilucidar si eran ciertas o no, Sam documentaba todo lo que escuchaba, desde que la Torre de Cristal era el nido de un Dragón o la morada de un poderoso hechicero, aunque Sam Writer pudo notar un hecho muy raro durante sus investigaciones todos los que habitantes de Town Tale que habían escuchado la historia y la habían olvidado prosperaron de manera peculiar poco tiempo después, una joven madre con dos niños que perdió a su esposo en la guerra, y vivía pobremente en una choza le contó que compartió lo poco que tenía para comer con la preciosa niña que a cambio le contó la historia, ahora la mujer poseía una hermosa casa y vivía muy feliz con sus hijos, otra, la lavandera ya no lavaba la ropa de otros, la mujer habia comprado una taberna con posada que ahora regentaba, la misma donde se hospedo Sam, al cabo de unos días el joven historiador tenía las manos vacias, no podía regresar con el Rey sin tener la verdadera historia que contar o perdería su trabajo y hasta quizas su libertad si no descubria uno de los misterios mas antiguos del reino.
Luego de pasar dos semanas en Town Tale, Sam Writer estaba seguro que no habia escuchado aun la verdadera historia de la Torre de Cristal, pero para ese momento tenía la suficiente información para escribir una propia, una buena, creible, que complacería a su Rey y le permitiria conservar su trabajo y libertad!!!, durante esas dos semanas fue abordado por varias niñas y mujeres que trataron de engañarlo, pidiendo oro y plata, Sam sacaba unas monedas de su bolsa y pagaba para escuchar las historias que anotaba en sus papeles aun sabiendo que no eran la verdadera, la que mas le gusto y quizas tomaría como base para escribir la suya propia estuvo a cargo de una hermosa joven de rizos dorados como el oro, no pidio dinero tan solo una jarra de vino, Sam se levanto para pedirle a la antigua lavandera la jarra, pero también para pedirle que identificara a la mujer, pero la ahora tabernera que no podia escuchar la historia de la Torre de Cristal que le habian contado no pudo identificarla solo recordaba que a ella se la habia contado una preciosa joven pero no pudo asegurarle a Sam que fuese esa misma joven, Sam pago por la jarra y con ella la historia de la Torre de Cristal, «un horrible monstruo con colmillos y peludo habia sido encerrado por una maldición en la Torre, pero en realidad era un joven y gallardo príncipe que aguardaba por una bella joven de noble corazón que fuera capaz de ver mas allá de su fealdad y rompiera con su amor el hechizo del que era prisionero!!!», la historia era un poco tonta pero con algo de pulitura quedaría perfecta para engañar al Rey.

The true story of the Crystal Tower [1]
The ancient kingdom of Trusland was a land blessed by the Gods, possessing great beauty and some secrets so ancient that they had been lost from the memory of men, but none of them were as desirable as the one I am now going to tell you. In a small city quite far from the capital, called Town Tale, a Tower was erected in its center so fantastic that many doubted that it had been built by man, it shone and illuminated the entire city during the day when the rays of the Sun King They were reflected on its walls as they danced in the sky and also during the nights when the Moon Goddess appeared in all her splendor, challenging the darkness of the night with her rays. It was of such magnitude that it was impossible to measure or quantify. Some mathematical scholars doing calculations from its base stated that it was so high that its top touched the clouds, its doors sealed for centuries preventing anyone from entering or leaving!!! and its walls were so smooth that they made the task of climbing them always impossible for the many men who attempted it, the story of its origin, of how or when it was built had simply been lost forever, no one in Trustland or Town Tale could remember the story of that beautiful Crystal Tower.
But one day Sam Writer, a young and prepared historian of the kingdom of Trustland, received a mandate from his King, he had to travel to Town Tale to reveal the mystery that surrounded the mythical Crystal Tower, since for a few months rumors had been spreading through the entire kingdom that some townspeople had heard his story!!!, Sam mounted his horse and rode day and night for more than a week until he reached the distant town of Town Tale, several leagues away when the small town had not yet could be distinguished, Sam was amazed by the imposing Crystal Tower that was perfectly noticeable even from a distance!!!, after entering Town Tale, the stories he had previously heard talking about its magnificence fell short, from any perspective. Street, if you looked up, there was the Crystal Tower!!!, Sam immediately appeared before the Mayor of Town Tale, to present him with the royal edict that commissioned him with his task of discovering the truth hidden behind the great tower, the rumors had spread. arrived in the capital and he had to find the person or people who knew the true story of the Crystal Tower!!!, but the Mayor quickly realized that the rumor, although true, was invalid, since the stories did not match, a villager claimed that it was a little girl who told him the story, another that it was a beautiful young woman who knew the truth, a washerwoman on the other hand mentioned that it was a middle-aged woman who told him the true story, others said that It was an old woman who seemed out of her mind.
By that time, the mayor of Town Tale had it very clear, the whole alaharaca seemed to him to be just a story, lies well told to obtain some benefit, strangely, some of those who heard the story quickly forgot it and those who could remember their stories. They were so dissimilar to each other that no one knew for sure which of them all was the true story of the Crystal Tower, only fragments, loose pieces from here and there that made the task of completing it impossible, for greater difficulty the Mayor mentioned to Sam Writer that the girl, the young woman, the middle-aged woman and the old woman always asked for something in return for telling the story, money, wine or food!!!, for the mayor everything was a big scam, a well-crafted scam So he had ordered his soldiers to be very alert, sure that they were just freeloaders trying to take advantage of the peaceful and noble inhabitants of Town Tale.
Sam Writer, after speaking with the Mayor of Town Tale, was not intimidated, he had a mandate from the King that had to be fulfilled, so after staying at an inn he began his own investigation, interviewing several of the townspeople who had heard the story of the Crystal Tower and certainly several of them only remembered having heard it and who told it to them but not the story, and the others, those who did remember it, were so fantastic and different that it could not be elucidated if they were true or not, Sam documented everything he heard, since the Crystal Tower was the nest of a Dragon or the abode of a powerful sorcerer, although Sam Writer was able to notice a very strange fact during his investigations all the inhabitants of Town Tale who had heard the story and They had forgotten her prospered in a peculiar way shortly after, a young mother with two children who lost her husband in the war, and lived poorly in a hut told him that she shared the little she had to eat with the beautiful girl who in return gave her told the story, now the woman owned a beautiful house and lived very happily with her children, another, the laundress no longer washed other people's clothes, the woman had bought a tavern with an inn that she now ran, the same one where Sam stayed, After a few days the young historian had empty hands, he could not return to the King without having the true story to tell or he would lose his job and perhaps even his freedom if he did not discover one of the oldest mysteries of the kingdom.
After spending two weeks in Town Tale, Sam Writer was sure that he had not yet heard the true story of the Crystal Tower, but by that time he had enough information to write one of his own, a good, believable one that would please his King. and it would allow him to keep his job and freedom!!!, during those two weeks he was approached by several girls and women who tried to trick him, asking for gold and silver, Sam took out some coins from his bag and paid to listen to the stories he wrote down in his books. papers even knowing that they were not the real one, the one that he liked the most and perhaps would use as a basis to write his own was in charge of a beautiful young woman with curls as golden as gold, she did not ask for money, just a jug of wine, Sam He stood up to ask the former washerwoman for the jug, but also to ask her to identify the woman, but the now innkeeper who could not hear the story of the Crystal Tower that she had been told could not identify her, she only remembered that she had been told. told a beautiful young woman but he could not assure Sam that it was that same young woman, Sam paid for the jug and with it the story of the Crystal Tower, "a horrible fanged and hairy monster had been imprisoned by a curse in the Tower, but in reality he was a young and gallant prince who was waiting for a beautiful young woman with a noble heart who would be able to see beyond his ugliness and break with her love the spell of which he was a prisoner!!!", the story was a bit silly but with some polish it would be perfect to deceive the King.
To be continue...
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Me atrapó la historia de la torre. Las imágenes preciosas, me gustaron mucho.
Atenta, como siempre, esperando por más. Un abrazo mi Gran Amigo.
Muchas gracias por pasarte mi DulceDama, esta es una historia corta ya la termine de escribir y termina la semana que viene.
Un abrazo, saludos a tu esposo y a los niños!!!