House passes defense bill automatically registering men 18-26 for draft

in blurt-194344 •  9 months ago 


House passes defense bill automatically registering men 18-26 for draft

"By using available federal databases, the [Selective Service] agency will be able to register all of the individuals required and thus help ensure that any future military draft is fair and equitable," Houlahan said during debate last month, according to Defense News.

I believe it is the social security database being referenced here. Birth certificates are on the state level. Your Social security number is your current tax slave number given to you at birth now. This system knows how old you are for working and collecting tax purposes. Now, given they own you and it is the law males register anyway, you will be automatically entered as available to fight any war they wish to fight. Not that a war is being planned or anything. No, that would be crazy. They are just finally getting around to doing this. Yeah. Any war in the near future is just a coincidence.

"This will also allow us to rededicate resources — basically that means money — towards reading readiness and towards mobilization … rather than towards education and advertising campaigns driven to register people."

Need more money to be ready for the war our masters are not planning us to fight.

The NDAA also included the largest-ever military pay raise in history, with a 19.5% increase for junior enlisted troops and a 4.5% increase for others.

Gotta pay some people off and encourage others to stay in the service after they find out what's going on. I mean, we need to take care of our military folks with this inflation and all.

It also included funding for two new Virginia-class submarines and the establishment of a drone force within the U.S. Army, among other provisions.

If we do not have a drone force already but a space force, someone is stupid. I am sure the US army already has one. I mean, police departments are using them now. So, it is more likely money to arm the drone swarms they have.
New subs would not be ready for quite a long time. Years. Fund, then redirect the funds. We have seen this game many many times.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., blasted the bill on Friday afternoon over the inclusion of amendments curbing funding for abortion, transgender medical care, and diversity efforts.

Not because it's clearly beating the war drums. Nope. That's not the concern. It's the Sodom and Gomorrah project that's important here folks. Do not be alarmed about this bill at all.

"Unsurprisingly, the legislation coming out of the House today is loaded with anti-LGBTQ, anti-choice, anti-environment, and other divisive amendments guaranteed not to pass the Senate," Schumer said. "As we move forward with this year’s NDAA process, both sides will have to work together to pass bipartisan legislation that honors and respects all who serve in defense of our nation."

Oh I see. The end result will be the globalist dream. War and social chaos. The best use of the two party system we have that they infiltrated while the people were asleep. Got it. The final bill will have it all.

We are so screwed.

Question cropped 2.png

Catch me on:


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  ·  9 months ago  ·  

Holy shit! In which we can see that both parties are war mongering traitors to the people, using sex as a weapon. Each day is more surreal than the last!!!! Thanks for keeping us informed and aware.

  ·  9 months ago  ·  

My house rep sent out an email yesterday about how proud he was to sign this bill, but he made no mention of the automatic draft registration in it, the most egregious part of that bill.

there are many interesting places to die for democracy, for example: Ukraine, Middle East, Taiwan and so on


  ·  9 months ago  ·  

I hear they removed cannabis from the list of substances that preclude you from being pressed into service.

  ·  9 months ago  ·  

Perfect response. Thanks.

I'm not so sure this is being implemented for fighting on foreign soil. We saw them practicing martial law with the Covid exercise. The year 2030 is rapidly approaching, and we see them making homes unattainable, out of control inflation, the purposeful destruction of the food supply chains, etc.

The 15 minute cities are being pushed forward, the you will own nothing and be happy plan moves forward. There will be lots of domestic unrest as houses sit vacant and tent cities grow, food is harder to acquire and more expensive, etc.

They barely pretend they don't believe they own us, and the symptoms of this sickness they push on us is boiling over.

We saw during Covid how many went along in a military capacity to enforce slavery, and we also saw many identify themselves as the impediment to the total controls they have planned for us.

For the greater good (meaning the greater good of those who farm us) they will need these extra military groups to deal with the terrorists who believe they are free to not be slaves. The majority will either be ok with this, or cowards who will pretend they have no issue as they see family and friends either murdered or carted off never to be seen again.

The 15 minute cities will be much like the internment camps of yesteryear.

Folks better understand they will need to know how to operate off the grid, preferably some distance from grids. I do believe they will hunt for as many as they can off the grid as well, so something to keep in mind when one is alone, trying not to leave signs of one's presence.

Earlier this year they were pushing for retired personnel to come back.

I worry about Trump, as I can see him wanting the 15 minute cities to be tall buildings where one would never have grass under their feet, or sky over our heads again.

I agree 100%. The only way to get the American people to be global citizens is to break them. War is to achieve the goals they can not by other means. America will experience the hell of war here at home. I think we all have known that for years now. A new order will rise out of the chaos and the American people will beg for it. So, the next one will be up close and personal. Anyone still in or in the suburbs of a city needs to get out. Prep. Have a plan.

Thanks for the links for me and everyone else. Especially that first one.

