RE: They said NO. Stop the slaughter and let's go home

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They said NO. Stop the slaughter and let's go home

in blurt-194344 •  29 days ago 

I have a problem with his manifesto, it sounds like it was written a few years ago, after Elon Musk bought 1M btc and the price rose to 60K. Max Azzarello forgot to add that people like B Gates forced Musk to sell all the coins he bought. Mike doesn't ask why this happened. Mike also fails to mention the Bitoin ETF's. Even if he were right that Bitcoin was created to rob people of money, the technology is still revolutionary and among the thousands of blockchains there are many that can make people's lives easier. I am waiting for a blockchain with the help of which it will be possible to conduct elections to the Senate, Congress ...


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  ·  28 days ago  ·  

completely alien
