BREAKING: Official Story Of Trump Shooting Is Garbage!

in blurt-194344 •  last month 

BREAKING: Official Story Of Trump Shooting Is Garbage!

The Jimmy Dore Show
1.39M subscribers
4 hours ago

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The Jimmy Dore Show
1.39M subscribers
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The Jimmy Dore Show
1.39M subscribers
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  ·  last month  ·  

Thank you for posting for the Information War community! Your post has been upvoted!

apple banana meme.png

Given that the Big Club owns the media, and no One threatening Their plans will gain any attention, along with the fact that Trump was described as the best salesman, and that He was in show business (WWE), We must conclude that Trump is in on Their play, acting a part.

And the "shooting?" A ritual.

Did You know... There is a biblical ritual that involves applying blood to the top of the right ear, and to the right foot. Why did Trump's SHOES come off??? That makes zero sense, unless...

This was a duping ritual for the People, and a religious ritual for Them, for One given the Crown of Jerusalem.,:a

Leviticus 8:23 And he slew it; and Moses took of the blood of it, and put it upon the tip of Aaron's right ear, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot.

It's all a production to cast sandy hooks into Our emotions to snag Us and drag Us where They want Us.

I also noticed no continuing blood flow from the initial "wound." Believe Me, if that were real, One would see blood continuing to flow from a wound at that location, especially when no One moved to staunch the blood! It would flow for at least 5 minutes!

And, there is an image of one of the men with a towel, which He was not staunching blood with, but likely wiped Trump's right thumb with...

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Humorous, if a bit filled with hopium - Q is a CIA psyop to pump that into Us so We don't stand up and co-create vastly better, just waiting for some Other...

“Someday Real Soon Now SomeOne Will Fix It for Me!” (article):

We shall all find out who the White Hat's are soon enough...

  ·  last month  ·   (edited)

Not waiting. LOL! I give high probability the "white hats" are another psyop for hopium. Anyway, I have withdrawn My consent from the psychopathic legal/governmental system and stand sovereign on Ethical ground.

Join Me as a Sovereign Here on Ethical Ground (article):

Humbly, there was no "shooter," and I think "Crooks" was AI generated with Elizabeth Warren as a template. I could go on and on with the evidence of psyop/ritual, but I have repeated it so many times, I just want to move on to solving for the Ones who set the psyop/ritual up. Haha! (And Musk is playing His part in the play...)

  ·  last month  ·  

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