Never Forget They Smeared Assange & Laughed At Him!

in blurt-194344 •  8 days ago 

Never Forget They Smeared Assange & Laughed At Him!

The Jimmy Dore Show
1.36M subscribers
101,327 views Jun 28, 2024 #TheJimmyDoreShow

Julian Assange has been released from prison and returned to his native Australia, a fact anyone who cares about press freedom should cheer. And while left-leaning commentators like Cenk Uygur and Krystal Ball are joining in the applause at Assange’s release, back when the U.S. government was pursuing criminal charges against the Wikileaks founder, Uygur and Ball felt no compunction about smearing and laughing at Julian Assange and his predicament.

Shocking Candace Owens Interview With Jimmy Dore!

The Jimmy Dore Show
1.36M subscribers
Jun 29, 2024 #TheJimmyDoreShow

Watch this, the full interview between Jimmy Dore and online political commentator Candace Owens. Also featuring Jimmy's co-host, Americans' Comedian Kurt Metzger.

Asking People At PRIDE How Many Genders There Are Met With Hostility - w/ Blaire White

The Jimmy Dore Show
1.36M subscribers
112,344 views Jun 28, 2024

Trans YouTuber and political commentator Blaire White recently attended a Pride event in Texas in order to ask rallygoers about politics, trans issues and other social issues. After asking a question about Trump and gay marriage and being told to “F*ck off!” by one attendee, White found herself followed by security and accused of not believing in the First Amendment.

Whole Foods Selling Rubberized Fruit As Organic!

The Jimmy Dore Show
1.36M subscribers
135,591 views Jun 28, 2024

Videos have been going viral on social media showing consumers revealing the rubbery fruits they’ve purchased, including bananas, avocados, watermelon and blueberries. Video creators say they purchased these strange fruits at Costco and Whole Foods.

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Well... I'll probably be met with castigation here, but I think Assange is part of the play. When Wikileaks "leaked" the first time, I knew about every single thing People were talking about. All the things had been posted - some of them years before - on AboveTopSecret dot com, where I was a silver contributor at the time (not knowing then that it was a CIA-run site).

How can You leak something that is already out?

Also... He grew up in an MKUltra cult called "The Family..."

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Disagreement is good, it pushes us to see things from different vantage points to solidify or question our current understanding. 🖖


The latest theory being floated by the Scotty Martin Crew is that Julian was only released so he could testify that Seth Rich was the source of the DNC hack at the opportune time... we shall see... 🖖

LOL! What a play! If We see Them on that world stage, They are part of the play.

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