What is Peer Bullying? How to Deal with Bullying?

in blurt-192372 •  4 months ago 

Hello friends,

The craving for control over another person is what leads to bullying. Peer bullying among schoolchildren is nearly as common as bullying between adults, despite the common misconception that bullying only happens between adults.

If parents believe their child is being bullied, they should take the appropriate action right away, according to child development specialists.

However, because the victim of bullying is so silent about it, many parents are oblivious to whether their child is being tormented at school.

Important subjects including what peer bullying is, how to recognize it, and how to respond to it will be covered in this section.


In this manner, you will be able to act as an attentive parent even if your child denies being bullied. Let's begin if you're prepared!

Peer bullying is the term used to describe the verbal, physical, and psychological abuse that a group or individual inflicts on another person or people of a similar age.

The bully's primary objective is to terrify the victim and establish unwavering control over him.

The bully escalates their aggression as long as the victim of bullying stays mute and no one, including family members or teachers, notices. He wants to become more well-liked in his surroundings by increasing the frequency of violence.

Bullying is a sort of attack that transcends adolescent beliefs, although many parents view it as normal and associate it with puberty.

There are numerous ways that peer bullying can happen. Nonetheless, it usually manifests as relational, verbal, physical, and cyber bullying.

The symptoms of these four types differ from one another. Nevertheless, they are all extremely distressing for the victimized child, regardless of the kind.

Physical bullying refers to any behavior intended to control and threaten the target student. There are instances of physical aggressiveness, including shoving, kicking, striking, pinching, and property damage.

The bully doesn't stop at one thing to keep the power disparity going. Every action is repeated.

Verbal bullying is when someone uses words to control another peer. The bully may employ taunts, threats, or insults, for instance, to get more favor. When no adults are present, verbal bullying typically takes place.

The hallmark of relational bullying is "social exclusion." Instead of inflicting physical harm, the bully concentrates on damaging the victim's relationships or social standing.

The rise of social media has led to an increase in cyberbullying, a form of peer bullying. Using techniques like calls and texts, the target individual is disparaged and gossip about them is disseminated.

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