Why we must stay open to new ideas while improving your existing ones?

in blurt-192372 •  8 months ago 

"Finding men who are willing to die is easier than finding those who are willing to suffer,"


Development calls for bravery and work. You experience suffering occasionally.

You will always be unable to view existence in its most basic form because of the realities you discover. You may feel at times like Neo from The Matrix.

Just like Neo experienced pain when initially opening his eyes from the Matrix to reality, it will be challenging to acclimatise to the world through fresh eyes.


Nevertheless, nobody desires to return to the Matrix. Because development provides insight, it's all worth it. What benefits does development provide for us, and why is it necessary?

According to brain scans, the hippocampal areas of London cab drivers are larger because they are better at remembering routes. Constant practice leads to improvement, and your mind maps out faster neural connections.

You'll find that the task you accomplish gets easier and easier in this way. But this study shows that drivers' hippocampus areas shrink back down when they retire.

The parts of our brain that are employed grow as a result of use, just as the muscles that are used increase, and otherwise they weaken. Your brain gets stronger the more you utilise it to do the task you wish to master.

Early on in learning and development, our brains can be a little rebellious. For instance, it might be really inconvenient to go through the early learning phases before we develop a love for cycling. We don't really love riding at first.

But our pleasure grows when we get past these challenging stages with practice and our feet become natural, removing the cognitive load.

With expertise, the things we love take on this form. If I don't enjoy basketball, it's because I'm not yet proficient in it.

Once more, the earliest grammatical rules are the most painful to master. The fun part of the procedure then starts.

In a particular study, the participants were reminded of the significance of receiving a vaccination during the pandemic. After that, they inquire about their views on immigration.

Findings from the study indicate that individuals who have not gotten the flu shot have a more hostile view of immigrants than those who have.

However, it's interesting to note that in the subsequent study, participants' negative opinions vanished when they used hand sanitizer following the flu vaccine warning.

Feeling intimidated by strangers and the unfamiliar is closely associated with viewing immigrants through the lens of a virus.

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