Men Helping in the Kitchen | A Debate That Never Ends

in blurt-192372 •  14 days ago 



This topic is one of the debate going on since ages now, should man help in the kitchen or not, at some point I really didn't see why this should be a debate in the first place, well back in the olden days when eyes weren't that opened, people see the kitchen duties as a major role for the female and man main role was to provide for the family, female were meant to stay and care for the home, any man found helping out in the kitchen were seen as a weak man and that can make them lose their respect among their fellow men because they always receive the tag "Woman wrapper" so men like that do those stuff in secret, I really don't blame them because majority follow the cultural beliefs then. This ideology had lot of negative effect on the females, they weren't allow to do lot of stuff especially education wise, any time the statement "she should be educated" pops up, the next answer will always be "she will end up in the kitchen", heard that a lot in most of the olden days village movies I do watch.

But we aren't in the olden days anymore, old things are passing away gradually, the world is changing and we need to change with it, people don't see kitchen duties as a major roles for female anymore especially when it come to cooking, it is one skill everyone need to have, my mom use to say as long as you can eat, you should know how to cook, it look funny back then but she was right. At some point I couldn't imagine how life would have been if I don't know how to cook or do help in the kitchen, Just imagine you don't know how to cook just because they do everything for you, and you found yourself in a remote area or a village with no access to lot of things, no one really send you and no access to food vendors, how will you be able to survive without knowing how to make your own food, I was in such situation once when I went to do some exams in a village, we stayed in a school library for a month because it was way better than the mud house in the village, everyone get to make their own food etc.

I'm always in support whenever it come to such matters, be a helping hand in the kitchen, as a bachelor or a student before getting married, this are the stuff you do at home, you don't scatter things, you clean up after eating but why stop because you married someone daughter, you want to over work her, helping your partner out in the kitchen have lot of benefit and doesn't make you a weak man, a sensible woman will see you as a helpmate, a partner who is always ready to support her (kitchen wise). There are times when kitchen duties are tiresome especially when she get to do it continuous after an hectic day, as a man, it isn't a crime if you just help out with such duty while she rest. It do feel unfair when your partner have a full time job at hand and still need to make handle the house duties full time, at some point, she will start complaining or making that grunt sound or give you that bombastic side look.

One thing about knowing how to cook is the independence that come with it, I do joke with my guys who rarely cook, I will be like "what will you do if you had issue with your wife and she decide not to cook for you", will you start buying food outside or be looking for another lady to make your meal, what if your wife is pregnant and she started giving you those pregnancy troubles, asking you to make this and that, will you start looking for who to call around 12am or just run away from the house, I will always support the motion as a man, be helpful when it come to kitchen duties, it shouldn't be a woman job all the time.

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