New question - What is the curation reward model like on Blurt?

in blurt-192372 •  4 months ago 

I want to start the brand new day with a new question here on Blurt. To fully enjoy the platform I need to understand how it works, and also because I am blogging about it elsewhere I need to make sure that I write things that are actually correct about Blurt.

Today I would like to understand how the curation rewards work on Blurt. Do they work like Steemit where the ideal is to place your vote after 3 minutes, but before the big whales to receive maximized rewards, or is it a more relaxed model like Hive in which you have the first 24 hours to vote and then everyone who placed a vote within the first 24 hours will split the curation rewards based on their voting power? Or is there some other model not found on any of those platforms?

I am planning to gather and use this information for longer and thorough guides to Blurt that I will post elsewhere (in blogs etc), so I am grateful for all your help.

Source: Bing Designer

By the way... the help I received due to my previous article here on Blurt about how and where to buy Blurt tokens has already become and article that I published at:

Take a look at it... more similar content to come and that and other blogs!

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I’m not great with the tech side but super happy to see you promoting the place not that many people know about it and it rly is the best blockchain social without a doubt and I’ve tried them all now I think :)

More articles coming elsewhere in the near future as well :)

  ·  4 months ago  ·   (edited)

I think you just earn 50 % of your upvote as long as you vote after 5 minutes and before the 7th day ? If your upvote is worth 100 blurt you get 50 Blurt Curation reward on 7th day … I think.

Just found the official FAQ meaning you should vote after five minutes to get 100% of your curation reward, but a question still remains if it is important to be first in the line after five minutes to get even more curation, or if it is just a constant curation reward for voting after five minutes, no matter if you are first or last in the line... anyone?! :)

  ·  4 months ago  ·   (edited)

I think if you tag @saboin or @nalexadre in your questions … they seem to have all the answers.

That is certainly a positive thing if those with all the answers are active members in the community! By the way, I would personally prefer a curation reward model in which you just earn no matter when you vote, and don't have to care about voting before whales or not. Somehow, that will make it all more fair, and you will feel happy about voting for the content that you actually like and not care about whether it will maximize your curation rewards or not.

As far as I know That is exactly how Blurt Curation works

a curation reward model in which you just earn no matter when you vote, and don't have to care about voting before whales or not.

  ·  4 months ago  ·  

I think it's similar to Steem, they're going to change it to be like Hive in HF9.

Just read that so based on it it has been voted to remove the five minute waiting time (where they punish you for voting earlier), and then they will remove the higher curation rewards for those voting first. That was voted for two months ago, so I guess that means the fork still hasn't happened, but it will happen sometime in the future?

  ·  4 months ago  ·  

but it will happen sometime in the future?

Yes, it hasn't happened yet, but it will happen in the future (I don't know when). @symbionts


  ·  4 months ago  ·  

It ends up giving you about half of your vote value in curation rewards. As long as you vote after the five minute mark, it doesn't seem to make much difference. When they forked the Steem code, they changed it so that 1 VEST = 1 BLURT on the first block. Doing that affected how the formulas work. The reward curve was adjusted for the vote values, but it was left the same for the curation rewards, since it was almost linear by accident.

@rycharde would be able to explain the math behind it better than I can.

So the TL;DR is that as long as you vote after the first five minutes and before the last 12 hours of the payout window, you will get roughly half of your vote value regardless of who voted before or after you.

Thanks a lot for clearing this out! :)

  ·  4 months ago  ·  

For more information about the planned change to the reward curve in the next validated hardfork of the Blurt blockchain (release date not yet defined), you can refer to the post Blurt HF09 Candidates | Community Vote for more details.

Currently, Blurt's voting system is more similar to Steem's than Hive's. It is more beneficial to vote after the 5-minute mark but before the big upvote, as well as to upvote within the first 24 hours (the notable difference depends on the value of your upvote, with a curation account like BeBlurt, the impact of the time of upvote can be seen clearly based on how old a post is.).

Great article.

Also I noticed there is lots of super cheap Blurt available on Ionomy.
Someone filled the gap. I’m buying there today.


  ·  4 months ago  ·  


Hi @unbiasedwriter, great news! Your content was selected by curators @nalexadre, @ten-years-before to receive a special curation from BeBlurt 🎉 Don't hesitate to upvote this comment as the curators will receive 80% of the rewards for their involvement.

You can support us by voting for our witness, our decentralized funding proposal, or through delegation. You're also welcome to join our Discord server 👉

*For a delegation of 45,000 BLURT 👉

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