Always celebrate your uccess

in blurt-192372 •  last month 


Happy is the end of a thing than it's beginning. Life runs in phases and people come into your life for seasons. Every phase of life has it's peculiar challenges and every season offers us opportunities to be better than we are.

The sign that a particular season or phase has ended is that some people will leave you while other will come into your life. They could be your associates, business partners, friends or even relatives.

The point is that, it's not everyone who can manage your failure can as well manage your success. As you consistently engage in capacity building and self development, make sure you filter who stays and who leaves your life.


Again, when you have successfully concluded a phase of life, don't fail to celebrate your your success. No matter how small your achievement may look, learn to celebrate your success, no one would do that for you.


Celebrating your success gives you the encourage and motivation to push forward no matter the obstacles on the way. The joy set before a goal or dream is accomplished genetaes a persistence and consistence spirit to persever till the end. Do wait for others to celebrate your success, do it yourself.

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