Snowdrops in our Garden - planted around 25 years ago

in blurt-192372 •  4 months ago 

Hello everyone.
First post in Curators Community. Seems good so far. :)

This is story about Snowdrops in our garden. Snowdrops are beautiful flowers. In Bosnian we call it Visibaba. Obviously it is one of the first flowers in the spring. They appear with warmer weather.

So how did Snowdrops end up in our garden?
Normally they grow around edges of forests or around river beds (as I recall and I have seen). They grow from the bulbs. So around 25 years ago I brought couple of Snowdrops with bulbs and planted them in our garden. I assume as kid I wanted to have Snowdrops in our garden. I dont know where did I get this idea from.

Fast forward 25 years and they are still around appearing in the spring.
When ever I see them in the spring they remind me of childhood. In spring you have nostalgic walk in your garden when Snowdrops open their flowers.
It is small and simple but nice thing to do. And for me as kid I think it was adventurous and enjoyable activity. And each year in the spring when you see them there in the grass or among a bit of snow you are somehow happy and excited.
Planting something as flower and tree is not that much complicated and it may have long lasting effect.

I took these photos this February. Snowdrops are still here and they are beautiful.





Photos by @sammy00.

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