There she was, looking at him with so much feelings suppressed within. She kept her eyes sharp and that look seems like it just happened yesterday.
But, it didn't. This is a 10 year old story of a young lady who has been promised to be taken on the rangers trip.
What rangers trip you might ask?
Well, it is the most adventurous expedition that to the forest. Those participants get to experience the wildlife. Away from their hometown. Away from their loved ones. It teaches them survival skills. But that is not all, they go out as ordinary people and come back as the most famous ones. They get to ask the king for one favor and their wish gets granted.
There he was the coordinator, the most famous person in town. Passing by, knowing that she is looking right at him. But, never making an eye contact back. Because, he knows that it has been years of broken promises between them. He knows that her eyes is telling what sort of let down she is feeling from within. But, he acts like it never happened.
There she was, keeping her feelings to herself. That story that has never been told. Her wishes are still within. There she was standing over the other side, making that look for another year.