Embracing the Shadows: Understanding the Light and Dark Within Us

in blurt-192372 •  6 days ago 


Are you good or evil? Who are you?

Let's make this a philosophical text.

There is a belief that good and evil or light and dark is living within us. We are stuck by this choice as much as we walk in our life. There is a nice metaphor that I remember about this that was non-English saying: there is a wolf and a sheep within oneself. Who wins often when we are struck by a choice that we can do both?

There is an answer that I like to this question which is, the one you feed more!

It is important to shed the light on something in here which is, that there some situation where one is not capable of making harm. In those situations, we cannot say that one is good or bad. On the contrary, when a person is capable of harm and he chooses otherwise. That is when we can say that this person is nice or better said that he is choosing light over dark.

Changing course now...

Does our bad intentions haunt us?

Well, I cannot say yes or no. But, let's just discuss this a bit. There are some who believe that they do. That could be true on the basis that our actions are coming from within us. In the same sense, the actions that we are choosing to do are a representation of what is inside. So, it could be true in that sense, that someone has a lot of darkness from within. It could haunt him as he is living that from within.

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