Wealth - my poem

in blurt-192372 •  last month 

🥰 Shalom everyone in Blurt!

Thank you Jesus Christ for His grace and bounty that is flowing abundantly from Heaven to His children right now!

I used to have a very clear idea of what I wanted my future to look like, I had my dreams and plans based only on my desires and my carnal vision. I thought what I wanted was right and I thought God was one hundred percent in agreement. As it turns out, God's grace can not only give, but also withhold and even take away what is not part of His will for us. I remember my heartbreak when my desires were not realized, I cried bitterly. Maybe some of you have seen an illustration on social media that shows a girl with a little teddy bear in her hands and Jesus reaching out to her to give her his favorite toy. But the thing is, Jesus has hidden a huge teddy bear behind his back that the girl doesn't even know about. That's exactly what happened to me. And I am so thankful to God that He took away those small and insignificant carnal dreams and desires to give me new and abundant eternal gifts!

I remember Kathryn Kuhlman's sermon, where she saw little orphans from East Asia being taken in by families from America. And how much one of the children cried and how much he did not want to go to his new parents, he did not realize how good it would be for him in this family and what a great deliverance from God for him. Kathryn Kuhlman hugged the baby and tried to comfort him repeating the same words, “If you only knew..., if you only knew..., if you only knew..., if you only knew.....“.If we only knew how much we are loved by our Heavenly Father.....Lord, root us in that love, in the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen!

I will also share this poem that God put in my heart. The poem is written in Ukrainian, but in order for you to understand it, I translated it into English without keeping the rhyme. This poem was written when everything I was leaning on was so insignificant, because I was leaning on my own flesh. Everything fell apart like a sand house. But now let God be the builder of my life!



У чому вбачаєш багатство своє
Та у чому твоє надбання?
У славі, грошах, успішній кар'єрі?
Безглузда, пуста метушня!

Вийди з світської омани, людино,
Бо немає в земних речах
А ніякої серцю втіхи,
Лиш на певний короткий час!

Та люблячий Бог не полишить тебе,
Він з тобою, Він поруч завжди…
Відчини, хай у сердце в цю мить увійде,
Ти не знатимеш в Ньому нужди!

Не бійся втрачати,людино, земне,
Справжня цінність не в цих речах.
Побійся згубити, що Бог подає
Бо ще вічне існує життя!


What do you see as your wealth,
And what is your possession?
In fame, in money, in a successful career?
This is meaningless, empty vanity!

Come out of the world's delusion, man,
for there is no joy in earthly things,
and no joy for the heart,
but for a short time!

But the loving God will not leave you,
He's with you, He's always there...
Open your heart, let Him come in,
You will not be in need!

Do not be afraid to lose earthly things, man,
The real value is not in these things.
Be afraid to lose what God gives you.
For there is life everlasting!


The image was edited in Canva.

You can find more of my poems on the Holy Poem website https://holypoem.com/19060

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