🥰 Shalom everyone in Blurt!
Today I almost finished reading a book written by a Christian man who was imprisoned in Sudan. This man has dedicated his life to serving God by helping Christians who are suffering severe persecution for their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. It was for this reason that he was imprisoned as a dangerous criminal.
At first, all the circumstances made the protagonist feel sometimes frustrated and confused. He expected to be released, which was constantly postponed and, after being sentenced to life imprisonment, turned out to be unrealistic. But the Lord strengthened his heart so much that the pain associated with separation from his family, illness, beatings from his cellmates, and disappointing news turned into something quite insignificant compared to the souls that were won through preaching for eternal life in God's kingdom.
By the grace of God, this man was set free, but now his life was completely transformed, melted by the fire of the Holy Spirit, refined like gold. In this terrible captivity, a sermon was born that cannot be preached even in all the years of your life - the living Word that saves because it has power and is built by God Himself!
During his imprisonment, the Word of God gained extraordinary value, and it began to sound louder and more expressive than ever before. The protagonist began to understand the Apostle Paul much better when he wrote:
Therefore we are not discouraged; but if our outward man smolders, our inward man is renewed from day to day. For our brief light affliction produces in measureless excess an eternal glory, when we look not at the visible, but at the invisible: for the visible is temporary, but the invisible is eternal. 2 Corinthians 4:16-18.
In addition, I would like to share with you an illustration in which I depicted the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for our weaknesses and sins.
May the Lord bless you to be firmly established in the Lord Jesus Christ, and to reach the victorious end in all trials!