Isaiah 61:11 - reflection on the word of God

in blurt-192372 •  2 months ago 


For as the earth produces its plants, and as a garden produces the seed that is sown in it, so the Lord God will manifest righteousness and glory before all nations. Isaiah 61:11

How wonderful it is when, in times of difficulty and pressure, the soul feels the supernatural touch of God's hand and enters a Holy Spirit anointed state of rest. Then I wonder and say: Lord, how is this possible? And He answers: Nothing is impossible for Me, believe Me.

When Jesus comes, the darkness begins to disperse over my head, dark thoughts and fear leave, and the flowers of paradise begin to bloom inside me.

I remember a dream in which God showed me an amazingly beautiful garden in which all the grass, all the bushes and all the trees were covered with flowers of unearthly beauty. I saw some of the flowers blooming and turning into big dandelions and the wind scattering them on the face of the earth, but immediately fresh buds bloomed and in this way the garden was constantly renewed.

I think in this pleasant dream God showed a soul that is filled with His presence and that in certain areas matures and then sows this seed among the nations, witnessing and carrying the mission appointed of God. And God also showed that in Him the blossoming does not stop, He will constantly reveal new facets of His Greatness and help us to reach the knowledge of this glory again and again.

But how to reach this state?

I cannot express in words what great power is behind patience, because it is patience that is like death on the cross for a soul that is accustomed to passions and godless freedom. If the modern Church has not learned to be patient, what can we say about people who live in the world? And it is not for nothing that Jesus Christ spoke in parables about the sower who sowed seed.... In order for this seed to grow and bear good fruit, you know what you need to do ... No one can do without patience. Whenever it comes to waiting, temptation will come along and try to interrupt the maturing and make wicked adjustments. But God will not allow anyone to be tempted beyond his strength and will give relief when tempted so that he can bear it.

I believe that what God is building in secret will very soon become manifest. The children of God, who have been patiently in the shadow of God and reviled among men, will very soon be revealed to the world, not to be glorified in the world or among the church, but to manifest the mighty power of Jesus Christ, not in word only, but in deed. Until this day, those who were built in secrecy were the main target of the enemy, but now the enemy will realize that he has been aiming at the apple of God's eye, and will pay for it with all that he has and has not.

May the Lord protect His good acceptable and perfect will in your life and not allow you to flee from the maturing area early. Your hope will not be ashamed and your soul that dies every day for the sake of Jesus Christ will be like the garden of Eden that will spread to the ends of the earth for the sake of Jesus Christ. Be steadfast and courageous, and do not be afraid or dismayed, for your Lord is with you.



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