Glorious night - my poem

in blurt-192372 •  last month 

🥰 Shalom everyone in Blurt!

Praise Jesus Christ for a new day in which He has extended His divine mercy over us!

Today I want to share with you a poem I wrote under the guidance of the Holy Spirit in anticipation of the Christmas holiday. This amazing event that took place 2000 years ago is worthy of our attention not only on snowy winter days.

The birth of Jesus Christ in a small stable among donkeys and sheep shook the whole world! Even a powerful ruler like king Herod was afraid of the Baby and killed many newborn Jewish children for this reason. I immediately think of a scripture: Since you are precious in my sight, much valued, and I have loved you, I will give other men for you, and the nations for your soul (Isaiah 43:4). But an even greater price was paid for the redemption of our souls, a gift that cost God the life of His only begotten Son. While the devil is looking for ways to thwart God's plans, the Lord is already opening a new way for you to get to safety, just like Joseph and Mary when they had to hide from their despotic master and no one could harm them.

The story of the birth of Jesus Christ reminds me of His birth in my heart, the day He purchased me for His kingdom. Praise the Lord for His exceedingly great mercy, which reaches above the heavens, for He has removed all my sins from me as far as the west and east are from each other, and now I constantly feel the tender embrace of my Heavenly Father.

This poem was written in Ukrainian, but I have translated it into English so that you can understand it. Unfortunately, the translation does not preserve the rhymes, but I hope you will be able to understand its meaning.



Щоб ми не були окутані тьмою
Світу злоби та ненависті,
Щоб в сердці відчули Божу любов,
Любов істинну неминаючу,

Сам Господь нам явився у Сині,
Зійшовши з Небес до землі.
Родився від Духа Святого й Марії
Спаситель мені і тобі!!!

У смиренні прийняв людське тіло
Для звершення Божої волі,
Що пророки задовго звістили,
Чекали Мессію народи.

Ось радість явилась велика!
Лунає небесна хвала!
Прийдіть і вклоніться до Божого Сина,
Прийдіть і встрічайте Царя!

Хоч не в царських родився хоромах,
У яслах лежав Божий Син,
Він світу усього Володар,
Небесних висот і підземних глибин!

Що таке срібло, златло, алмази..?
Очі свої зосередь не на тім!
Сердце своє збережи ти для дару
Надціннішого від початку віків!

Яка благодать нам дана від Бога!
Він до Себе наблизив нас!
Від Сина Свого дарував перемогу,
Перемогу над смертю і вхід у життя!

Відчинені двері у славную вічність,
Вірою в Сина спаслись наші душі!
Святкуймо ж у єдності дивную ніч ту,
Війдімо ж у радість в Христі Ісусі!


So that we may not be shrouded in the darkness
Of the world of malice and hatred,
So that we may feel God's love in our hearts,
True Love that never passes away,

The Lord Himself appeared to us in the Son,
Descending from Heaven to earth.
Born of the Holy Spirit and Mary,
The Savior of me and you!

In humility, He took on a human body
To fulfill God's will,
Which the prophets had long foretold,
And the nations had been waiting for the Messiah.

Great joy has come!
The praises of heaven are heard!
Come and worship the Son of God,
Come and meet the King!

Though not born in a royal palace,
The Son of God lay in a manger,
He is Lord of all,
Of the heavens and the depths of the earth!

What is silver, gold, diamonds...?
Do not fix your eyes on these things!
Keep your heart for the gift
That is most precious from the beginning of time!

What grace has been given to us by God,
Who has drawn us near to Himself!
He has given us victory through His Son,
Victory over death and entrance into life!

The door to glorious eternity is open,
And our souls are saved by faith in the Son!
Let us celebrate in unity this wondrous night,
Let us enter into joy in Christ Jesus!


The image was edited in Canva.

You can find more of my poems on the Holy Poem website

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