Discovery of the Sendero Charco de la Virgen

in blurt-192372 •  2 months ago 

Hello dear travelers. I would like to share with you the hike we took on the Sendero Charco de la Virgen trail located in the Malaga region of Tolox, Spain.

This path leads through the Sierra de las Nieves National Park to the Charco de la Virgen Waterfall. This tourist route is approximately 5 km long and has a low difficulty level.

Along the trail we walked through forests of resinous pine trees, whose gigantic needles were a sight to behold. The sound of bells from the goats grazing in the mountains echoed, creating a uniquely romantic rural atmosphere.

We followed the Orió la Cobas River along the way. It resembled a narrow stream. The babbling of the water provided a sense of peace and unity with nature.

Sturdy wooden bridges spanned the river. Next to one of these bridges was a surprisingly painted stone resembling a cute fawn.

This path is very quiet and peaceful. The trees shone with golden spring colors in the light of the setting sun.

The path leads to the Charco de la Virgen Waterfall. The waters of the waterfall plunge approximately 20 meters into a crystal clear pool. In warm weather you can swim in this pool.

At the end of the hiking trail we saw a very realistic piglet drawn on a rock bidding us farewell.

On our way back from the tourist route I saw a beautiful horse in the parking lot, which is not a rare sight in Spain. The tradition of breeding these beautiful animals is maintained in this country. Our peaceful hike ended here and I bid you farewell. See you in new travel posts.

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