The Swamp Story - My Creative Writing

in blurt-192372 •  last month 

There was a boy that lived in a small cabin in the swamp with his dad and sister. They used to love exploring the place all the time. They used to venture out at least twice a day only coming back to ask their dad for something or get food to eat. One time they went on a long adventure out into the deep swamps and found loads of cool creatures like crocodiles and snakes.


Then they found the biggest snake they had ever seen! It was over two meters long. They snuck closer to it and started hearing it talk so they got it closer and they heard it speaking to other snakes giving them information on something, but they couldn't get close enough to hear what the snake was saying. Eventually the snake meeting ended and they walked away from the pack of snakes wondering how it was speaking.


After walking for a while they found a little shed with a sign that said do not enter. So they did what any kid their age would do and entered. There was a massive werewolf sleeping on the floor. They walked around the wolf and started seeing if it was dead or just sleeping but they heard light snoring so they knew it was scared but as they tried to leave the floor creaked really loudly and the wolf made a noise in its sleep, thankfully didn't wake up. As they started closing the door from the outside they saw claws poking through the door and knew the werewolf had woken up so they started running as fast as they could deeper into the forest.


After running for five minutes they turned around and saw the wolf wasn't there so they started to catch their breath. Once they had done that they turned around again to carry on walking and exploring but right behind them was the werewolf! They screamed and hid behind a tree and it slashed at them leaving a big scratch on the tree. They ran as fast as they could but they could hear the wolf getting closer and closer with its loud footsteps pounding on the floor. They turned a corner to try loose the wolf but as they did that there was the massive snake from earlier. They begged it for help so the snake asked what they needed help with but as he asked that the werewolf came around the corner growling. The snake knew it was time for the big fight to happen so he called his other snakes to come fight side by side with him, this is what they were planning for.


They all charged in at the werewolf wrapping around his legs and crawling up his body but he was shaking violently. As he was about to bite one of the snakes the big snake came and tackled him wrapping around his whole body and biting into him giving him poison. This wasn't enough to end it right there so the wolf started to rage and threw the smaller snakes into the nearby trees until it was just the big snake left.


Now it was one on one. The snake charged it trying to get a bite on its neck but just missed getting cut through the stomach making him bleed. Then the wolf bit down on the snakes body crushing him and as he was about to dig his claws into the side of the snake the boy came with a log and smashed it over the wolf's head knocking him out so they could drag him back to the shed and lock him inside and never disturbing him again. The children thanked the snakes and then went on home to the dinner table to eat and tell their dad all about it!


until next time...

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