Earning money to enjoy life and spending that money to save life

in blurt-192372 •  3 months ago 

The endless blessings of Allah Ta'ala.
Dear friends this time of afternoon is really nice if there is pleasant atmosphere and pleasant air. Green nature around us. We ourselves have to work tirelessly to sustain this nature.


When you see this green nature is on the way to extinction, that is sometimes many people are cutting green trees. Only then will you understand that the green nature is on the way to disappear. Who is taking responsibility? We can only see that we can earn a little money by cutting green trees, but this money will have to be spent later on for that life.

If I say in simple language, you will see; I know how you survive by consuming oxygen. Where do we get that oxygen from? Allah Ta'ala is giving us that oxygen through plants. If we cut those trees and clear the forest, where will we get free fresh air or oxygen!

If this free air does not accept this free oxygen, various diseases will appear in us. Notice one thing that in this free air we are always taking in free oxygen and giving out carbon dioxide. This carbon dioxide is again being taken up by the plant. And we are cutting down those trees and clearing the forest.

For the money we owe to enjoy life, to enjoy the beautiful life. It is never possible to enjoy life like this in real sense but your life is enjoyable only in the natural greenery. But you forget it and that's why you have to spend money to save life again later. But you want to earn money by cutting trees to enjoy life.

The issues are very sensitive because if you don't talk about them, you will see that the tree will slowly die. Who or who will plant this tree! I understand your responsibility and those doing the planting. If you cut down one tree, plant two more. Plant trees to get fresh air. Plant trees to get fresh oxygen.

These words came to mind as I was leaving office today. Oxygen is one of the most beautiful blessings of Allah Ta'ala. I was enjoying the mesmerizing air at that time i.e. in the afternoon. Because for quite some time we were staying through high temperature. And when I came out this afternoon, I saw how good it felt.

Let us all plant trees and save the environment. Not just in slogans but in action and start tree plantation activities in each and every one of our homes.

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