Things for which I want to thank the almighty.

in blurt-192372 •  4 months ago 


Alhamdulillah All praises be to the great Rabbul Alameen who has sent us as the best creations in such a beautiful world. At the same time, I recite Darud, without whom nothing in this world would have been created, his name is Hazrat Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace.

I have mentioned a few things about today's topic and I hope you will also study some of my highest condensed knowledge.

Mention three things for which you are grateful to the almighty.

Here I thank Allah Almighty for everything. I am thankful to Allah for everything because you created me keep me healthy mentally physically I am thankful to Him Alhamdulillah.

However, since you asked me to highlight three points in the competition, I would like to point out three things from that point or point out three points:-


  • I am very grateful to Allah, who created me with such a beautiful appearance and sent me to this world as the best creature of creation.

  • Allah is the one who keeps me healthy and strong. Only he who is sick understands how precious health is one of the greatest blessings. Standing in that place, I am now living a healthy life, so what could be more grateful than that!

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    Many dances have been blessed in this world and Allah has sent countless Prophets as a way of guidance. And we are the Ummah of that Prophet; If he did not create anything in this world would not have been created! And we were able to come to this world as the nation of the Prophet, what could be more fortunate than this!
How those blessings of God impact your lifestyle.

I have presented to you three things that will make you think coldly at all times.

Because Allah has sent not only you in this world but also many other kinds of creatures along with Ashraful Makhlukat. Ashraful is the only human being. Allah has given them only knowledge, conscience, and the ability to distinguish between good and evil. Whatever way you think, you will be forced to remember the Creator, Allah Ta'ala, in every way. Because they are never possible without Allah alone.


Why don't you think that there are thousands of millions of other animals in the world, what has Allah Taala given them? Gave them the ability to speak? did not give Then how can you deny to Allah Ta'ala; Rather you will notice that I am much better than others Alhamdulillah.

Do you believe if we wish anything by heart; the almighty fulfill those wishes? Share if you have any story related to the same.

Yes, of course, I believe that we open our hearts to Allah, and Allah always grants us what we want. But how much am I progressing towards him as a servant of Allah Ta'ala! Ask yourself once!


Allah Ta'ala says you are still in error, come to the right path, repent and return to the path of light. Surely Allah loves the repentant. You have scaled mountains while committing sins and then you feel that I have gone on the wrong path and committed wrongdoing. Immediately you repent and if you give Khalees you come back and repent and become better. And promise as far as possible I will never do that wrong thing again.

There are many stories that are still remembered, when the Creator prayed to Allah Ta'ala and accepted it and the dream came true. First of all I would say health. When I was sick I could feel well how much pain I was going through and I always prayed to Allah Ta'ala to heal me.

Also, when I commit a wrongdoing without my knowledge, I ask Allah to forgive me. Please help me never to do such a wrong thing again. Allah forgives me and I try to refrain from that act.

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