Hey Blurtians! Welcome back! In this post, I'd like to share the process of how I made the painting above that took me a week, which I named "La Bonita"! :)
For a long time I've been loving and obsessing over art from back in the old days. Such as tall marble sculptures, Michelangelo etc.
Since they say that Michelangelo lived around the 14-15 hundreds, you'd think that stone sculptures would have advanced so much by now, but I haven't really heard of that many people in the modern world who do so. If I got the chance though, I'd love to learn... Just a random thought.
I started with an outline of my subject, that I found a picture of on the internet which I thought looked absolutely marble-ous!.. Sorry for the bad pun. 😆
I actually got the idea for this painting in the middle of the night while I was trying to sleep, haha. The night happens to be a perfect time for ideas to come, since the brain is relaxed and is still processing everything it experienced in the day; which can sometimes influence our dreams! At least, this is what I was taught. That's why, I usually have a sketchbook next to my bed. 😁
With this painting, I have to admit I did change my mind a lot on how the background should look. Which is why it might look a bit beserk... but I had fun being expressive with it! That's what counts. 😊
The End Result! :
Thank you for stopping by and reading my post! I hope you enjoyed it and I'm happy to hear your opinion on my art below. Have a lovely day! ❤️
You can find this painting and many of my others at:
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