Mateo and his great dream of being a doctor to help others

in blurt-192372 •  2 days ago 

Hello my beautiful people of Blurt 🤬 happy and great happy start of the week for all of you how are those posts going? Well how are the coins going I don't think very well, but let's remember that this will be temporary and soon we will rise again, let's hope that by that time our currency will reach a high level that benefits all of us who have been here.

Today I want to share with you a little story that talks about a child's dream of being a doctor, and why do I bring you a story like this? Because today we celebrate that great and beautiful day, of those lovely people who after studying so much, use their knowledge to heal our biggest and smallest ailments, God bless the hands and knowledge of all doctors, so that they continue to help others day by day.


In a small town of colorful houses and cobblestone streets, lived Mateo, a boy with bright eyes and an infectious smile. Mateo had a huge dream: he wanted to be a doctor. He was fascinated by the idea of ​​curing people, relieving their pain and restoring their health.

However, Mateo knew that his dream was difficult to achieve. His family was low-income and barely had enough to cover their basic needs. Mateo lived in a small house with his parents and two younger brothers. His father worked as a fisherman and his mother sold vegetables at the local market.


Despite the difficulties, Mateo never gave up. He was a very studious and dedicated child. He spent hours reading books and learning about the human body. He loved watching documentaries about medicine and asking his grandfather, who was a village healer, about medicinal plants and their healing properties.

Mateo knew that to become a doctor he needed to study hard and go to university. But university was very expensive and he didn't know how he was going to pay for his studies.


One day, Mateo heard that the town hospital was going to offer scholarships to outstanding students who wanted to study medicine. Mateo was very excited and decided to apply.

Mateo prepared his application very carefully. He wrote a letter explaining his dream and his reasons for wanting to be a doctor. He also included his grades and a letter of recommendation from his teacher.

After several weeks of waiting, Mateo received a letter from the hospital. He had been selected for the scholarship! Mateo couldn't believe it. He was so happy that he jumped for joy and ran to tell his family.


With the scholarship, Mateo was able to study medicine at university. He was an exemplary student and always tried his best. He knew he had to take advantage of this unique opportunity.

After several years of study and dedication, Mateo graduated as a doctor. He returned to his village and began working at the local hospital. He was a much-loved and respected doctor.


Mateo never forgot his humble origins. He always treated his patients with kindness and respect, especially those who were of low resources. He knew how difficult it was for them to pay for medical treatments.

Mateo became an example for the children of his town. He showed them that no matter how difficult the circumstances are, dreams can be achieved with effort and dedication.

I thank everyone who gave me a few minutes of their precious time ⏱️ and read my post. Thank you and we will continue to see each other in the future. 😍😊😊


Hola mi gente bonita de Blurt 🤬 feliz y grandioso feliz comienzo de semana para todos vosotros como van esos post? Bueno como van las monedas no creo que muy bien, pero recordemos que esto será pasajero y pronto volveremos a resurgir, confiemos que para ese momento nuestra moneda llegue a un nivel alto que beneficie a todos los que hemos estado acá.

Hoy os quiero compartir con ustedes un pequeño cuento que habla sobre, el sueño de un niño de ser médico, y porque os traigo un cuento así? Xq hoy celebramos ese gran y bonito día, de esas lindas personas que después de estudiar tanto, usas su conocimiento para sanar nuestras más grandes y pequeñas dolencias, Dios bendiga las manos y conocimientos de todos los médico, para que sigan ayudando al prójimo día con día.


En un pequeño pueblo de casas coloridas y calles empedradas, vivía Mateo, un niño de ojos brillantes y sonrisa contagiosa. Mateo tenía un sueño enorme: quería ser doctor. Le fascinaba la idea de curar a las personas, de aliviar su dolor y devolverles la salud.

Sin embargo, Mateo sabía que su sueño era difícil de alcanzar. Su familia era de bajos recursos y apenas tenían para cubrir sus necesidades básicas. Mateo vivía en una casa pequeña con sus padres y sus dos hermanos menores. Su padre trabajaba como pescador y su madre vendía verduras en el mercado local.


A pesar de las dificultades, Mateo nunca se rindió. Era un niño muy estudioso y dedicado. Pasaba horas leyendo libros y aprendiendo sobre el cuerpo humano. Le encantaba ver documentales sobre medicina y preguntarle a su abuelo, que era un curandero del pueblo, sobre las plantas medicinales y sus propiedades curativas.

Mateo sabía que para ser doctor necesitaba estudiar mucho y entrar a la universidad. Pero la universidad era muy costosa y él no sabía cómo iba a pagar sus estudios.


Un día, Mateo se enteró de que el hospital del pueblo iba a ofrecer becas a estudiantes destacados que quisieran estudiar medicina. Mateo se emocionó mucho y decidió presentar su solicitud.

Mateo preparó su solicitud con mucho esmero. Escribió una carta explicando su sueño y sus motivos para querer ser doctor. También incluyó sus calificaciones y una carta de recomendación de su maestro.

Después de varias semanas de espera, Mateo recibió una carta del hospital. ¡Había sido seleccionado para la beca! Mateo no podía creerlo. Estaba tan feliz que saltó de alegría y corrió a contarle a su familia.


Con la beca, Mateo pudo estudiar medicina en la universidad. Fue un estudiante ejemplar y siempre se esforzó al máximo. Sabía que tenía que aprovechar esta oportunidad única.

Después de varios años de estudio y dedicación, Mateo se graduó como doctor. Regresó a su pueblo y empezó a trabajar en el hospital local. Era un doctor muy querido y respetado por todos.


Mateo nunca olvidó sus orígenes humildes. Siempre trató a sus pacientes con amabilidad y respeto, especialmente a aquellos que eran de bajos recursos. Sabía lo difícil que era para ellos pagar los tratamientos médicos.

Mateo se convirtió en un ejemplo para los niños de su pueblo. Les demostró que no importa cuán difíciles sean las circunstancias, los sueños se pueden alcanzar con esfuerzo y dedicación.

Agradezco a todos los que me regalaron unos minutos de su apreciado tiempo ⏱️ y leyeron mi post gracias y nos seguimos viendo en próximos. 😍😊😊

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