Real happiness does not come from material things / La felicidad real no te la dan cosas materiales (ENG/ESP)

in blurt-192372 •  6 months ago 

Hello my beautiful people of BLURT, I hope you are doing well and your earnings are being very good, so that you continue to encourage us to continue in this beautiful platform that allows us to communicate our ideas with freedom always giving respect to others.

Today I want to tell you something that fills me with a lot of nostalgia and it is the day that a being came to my house that for a few days illuminated my house with his eyes full of peace, yes and that little face full of tenderness that every time I looked at him I fell in love more and more.

Not to mention that I don't know why he stuck to me so much and as soon as I woke up the first thing he did was to look for me and how not if since he arrived I gave all my love to this little tenderness, who knows why his former owner had thrown him to the street and in search of warmth he fell in love with me.

I really confess to you that it hurts me when I remember him and I could not keep him, because of personal matters I could not have him here and my mom took him to a shelter, but you do not know how I miss him, I need him, that face that he gives us every day, and the clean and pure love he gives us.

I would really recommend you to have a cat, give it love, you don't know how good it feels, the energy that you breathe in your home with them.

To finish I will not get tired of saying NO TO ANIMAL MALTREATMENT, it hurts me to see how everything grows and our mentality does not, because many times we believe that by mistreating these beings we are superior and it is not so, noo we should be more responsible and take care of them and if we do not want to see so many in the street we have to sterilize them not mistreat them.

If you got to this point thank you very much I hope you liked it and I hope to see you in future posts, to continue interacting together, bye :D

Translated with (free version)


Hola mi gente bonita de BLURT , espero me les este yendo bien y sus ganancias estén siendo muy buenas, para que así nos sigan dando ánimos e seguir en esta linda plataforma que nos permite comunicar nuestras ideas con libertas siempre dando respeto al prójimo.

Hoy os quiero contar algo que me llena de mucha nostalgia y es el día que a mi casa llego un ser que por unos días me ilumino la casa de luz con sus ojos llenos de paz, si y esa carita llena de ternura que cada vez que lo miraba me enamoraba mas.

Sin contar que no se porque se pego muchísimo a mi y es que apenas me despertaba lo primero que hacia era buscarme y como no si desde que llego le brinde todo mi amor a esta ternura, que quien sabe porque su ex dueño lo habrá tirado a la calle y el en busca de calor callo conmigo.

De verdad y se los confieso a mi me da dolor cuando lo recuerdo y es que no pude quedármelo, por asuntos personales no lo podía tener acá y mi mama lo llevo a un refugio, pero no saben como lo extraño, lo necesito, esa cara que nos regala cada día, y un amor limpio y puro que da.

Yo de verdad os podría recomendar tengan un gato denle amor ustedes no saben lo bien que se siente, la energía que se respira en sus hogares con ellos.

Para ir terminando no me cansare de decir NO AL MALTRATO ANIMAL, me duele ver como todo crece y nuestra mentalidad como que no, porque muchas veces creemos que maltratando a estos seres somos superiores y no es así, noo deberíamos ser mas responsables y cuidarlos y si no queremos ver tantos en la calle hay que esterilizarlos no maltrataros.

Si llegaste a este punto muchas gracias espero te haya gustado y espero verte en próximos post, para seguir interactuando juntos, bye :D


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