Talking about not having public health (ESP/ENG)

in blurt-192372 •  2 months ago 

Hola mi gente bonita de Blurt feliz y lindo martes para todos, que aunque ya es de tarde espero hayan tenido un día agradable a pesar de cualquier vicisitud que hayan pasado, así que ha sonreír que la vida es bella.

Hoy os quiero hablar de un tema que estaba en mi lista la verdad pero, pero viendo un live de tik tok observaba como el anfitrión del mismo decía que no debíamos pensar en medicina gratis, porque eso no ayuda a que uno busque como pagar un sueldo al médico que lo va a ver, ya que esté no se quemó las pestañas, osea así le decimos en el argot venezolano a una persona que estudia mucho, jeje, bueno que no se quemó las pestañas para dar consultas gratis en un hospital público con un sueldo miserable, que si nosotros queríamos salud de calidad teníamos que pagarla.


Y es allí donde voy yo, a dar mi opinión ya que soy una persona con una condición, y debo comprar medicinas, comida, pagar taxi si voy a salir, pedir ayuda y si no pueden las amistades pues pagar por esos ayudas, consultas, tratamientos, aparatos y si es necesario hasta operaciones, entonces si una persona como yo no tiene los recursos económicos para financiar todo esto que debo hacer? No vivir? Me echo al abandono? Y ojo allí me faltaron más cosas que debo pagar por mi condición, pero que debo hacer?.

Por eso digo que si es necesaria y mucho la medicina pública gratuita, es extremadamente necesaria eh importante, y que está sea de calidad, sin contar que sería estupendo si los hospitales contarán con los insumos para sus pacientes y no como en muchos centros hospitalarios que no hay ni una jeringa, noooo!! Eso y más debería haber.


Porque ok hablé de mi caso, ya que conozco con exactitud de lo que hablo pero si hablamos de una madre que soltera con un sueldo básico como paga una clínica, para sus hijos, o para ella, porque aja te dan clases gratis pero los útiles, pasaje, ropa, calzado? Todo eso y más quién lo compra? Por eso,ese comentario me llamó exageradamente la atención, y es que cuando se tiene dinero en el bolsillo, o se está sano simplemente la gente no ve a su alrededor que otros si lo necesitan y no como un lujo.

A las personas que van leer este post les cuento que el post mezclo ese comentario con política, pero a mí no me gusta la política, por eso no tomé en cuenta esa parte, pero a la final se opina igual, no tengo nada en contra de quién piense diferente ya que por eso hay un libre albedrío en el mundo, así que su comentan será válido su opinión, igual que espero sea respetada la mía.


Os agradezco mucho el haberse quedado a leer mi opinión y post sobre la salud pública, te espero en próximos Post para seguir compartiendo y creciendo juntos.


Hello my beautiful people of Blurt happy and nice Tuesday to all, although it is already afternoon I hope you have had a pleasant day despite any vicissitudes you have gone through, so smile that life is beautiful.

Today I want to talk to you about a topic that was on my list, honestly, but watching a Tik Tok live, I observed how the host of it said that we shouldn't think about free medicine, because that doesn't help one look for how to pay a salary. to the doctor who is going to see him, since he is there he didn't burn his eyelashes, I mean that's what we say in Venezuelan slang to a person who studies a lot, hehe, well he didn't burn his eyelashes to give free consultations in a public hospital with a miserable salary, that if we wanted quality health we had to pay for it.


And that's where I go, to give my opinion since I am a person with a condition, and I have to buy medicine, food, pay for a taxi if I'm going out, ask for help and if friends can't, then pay for that help, consultations, treatments, devices and if necessary even operations, then if a person like me does not have the financial resources to finance all this, what should I do? Not live? Do I abandon myself? And be careful, there I was missing more things that I must pay for due to my condition, but what should I do?

That is why I say that if free public medicine is very necessary, it is extremely necessary and important, and that it is of quality, not to mention that it would be great if the hospitals would have the supplies for their patients and not like in many hospital centers that There is not even a syringe, noooo!! That and more there should be.


Because ok I talked about my case, since I know exactly what I'm talking about, but if we're talking about a single mother with a basic salary, how does a clinic pay, for her children, or for herself, because aha, they give you free classes but the supplies , passage, clothing, footwear? All that and more, who buys it? That's why that comment really caught my attention, because when you have money in your pocket, or when you're healthy, people simply don't see around them that others do need it and not as a luxury.

I tell the people who are going to read this post that the post mixed that comment with politics, but I don't like politics, that's why I didn't take that part into account, but in the end the opinion is the same, I have nothing against it who thinks differently since that is why there is free will in the world, so if you comment, your opinion will be valid, just as I hope mine will be respected.


I thank you very much for staying to read my opinion and post about public health, I hope to see you in future Posts to continue sharing and growing together.

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Since the world has entered era of the industrial revolution, we should have no problem providing good living conditions for disabled and old people. Unfortunately, greed and incompetence of politicians have led to the fact that to most needy groups of people are offered euthanasia. Humanity is robbed of money, which, thanks to politicians, funds wars. The industrial revolution has changed almost nothing, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. This is sick

  ·  2 months ago  ·  

very true, and I missed that point about older people who also take medication and so on, oh my God, it would be so nice

  ·  last month  ·   (edited)

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