floods, fire the world in a few lines 😞

in blurt-192372 •  2 months ago 

Hello, my beautiful people from Blurt, happy and spectacular Wednesday, a difficult day as we say around here hehe, for annoying, well, not for anything bad, but I hope it's going well for you, and you're enjoying it wherever you are.

Today I want to share with you a conversation that I had yesterday with a neighbor, one of the few with whom I speak and have the opportunity to agree on many things and above all thoughts, and that is that all this that is happening in the world makes me think so much that WoW sometimes I can't even understand human beings.


And last year, in recent months, floods in Spain, which for me were a new event, had already happened before but yours truly did not know. Although it is not something so common, I cannot deny that it does affect me to see how so many people They lose their belongings without being able to do anything, without being able to move a finger, because whatever they do they will not be able to with the power of the climate.

And now we start the year with fire, in the USA, Los Angeles the flames seem taken from a fiction movie, every time I see an image or video I say to myself, WoW I feel like I'm watching a movie and it's a lie and it's not like that, it's the truth , it is pure reality, the strong breezes have made the fire spread more quickly, and this causes the houses to burn easily, both of people with money and people without money, which in the not too distant future will be the most affected, I will not be like Many, one, some, no, they are all human beings and it hurts to see how they lose what they have gained.


And that leads me to a simple conclusion: enjoy life, not with luxuries as many believe, but with what you have, be it a lot or a little, smile, dance, enjoy and enjoy, do what you like without stopping what they will say because We don't really know when we could go through a similar situation, or not, but it is better to live every moment of our lives beautifully.

I know I missed many things to mention since we started the year very busy, but hey, it's a post and I don't want to make it endless, but if you want, comment and tell me? What do you do to enjoy your life? I write here, don't believe these posts help me stop what I feel, here I feel at peace, thank you #blurt for this beautiful and pleasant opportunity 😊.


Thank you to everyone who gave me a few minutes of their time to read the post, I hope you liked it so I can continue seeing you here more often and share, bye.


Hola mi gente bonita de Blurt feliz y espectacular miércoles, día atravesado como decimos por acá jeje por fastidiar pues, no por nada malo, más igual espero me les esté yendo bien, y se lo estén disfrutando estén donde estén.

Hoy os quiero compartir con ustedes una conversación que tuve ayer con una vecina, de las pocas con quien hablo y tengo la oportunidad de coincidir en muchas cosas y sobretodo pensamientos, y es que todo esto que está pasando en el mundo me hace tanto pensar que WoW aveces no puedo ni entender al ser humano.


Y es que el año pasado en los últimos meses inundaciones en España que para mí era un acontecimiento nuevo más ya se había dado antes pero su servidora no sabía, aunque no es algo tan común, no puedo negar que si me afecta ver cómo tantas personas pierden sus pertenencias sin poder hacer nada, sin poder mover ni un dedo, porque hagan lo que hagan no podrán con el poder del clima.

Y ahora empezamos el año con fuego, en USA, Los Ángeles las llamas parecen sacadas de película de ficción, cada vez que veo una imagen o video me digo , WoW siento que veo una película y es mentira y no es así, es la verdad, es pura realidad, las fuertes brisas han hecho que se esparza con más rapidez el fuego, y eso pues ocasiona que las casas se quemen con facilidad, tanto de gente con dinero como gente sin dinero, que a un futuro no muy lejano serán los más afectados, no me pondré como muchos, que uno, que sí otro no, todos son seres humanos y duele ver cómo pierden lo que han ganado.


Y eso me lleva a una conclusión simple disfrutar la vida, no con lujos como muchos creen, si no con lo que tienes, sea mucho o poco, sonríe, baila, goza y disfruta , has lo que te gusta sin parar al que dirán porque no sabemos en realidad cuando se podría pasar por una situación similar, o no, pero es mejor vivir bonito cada instante de nuestras vidas.


Se que me faltaron muchas cosas por nombrar ya que empezamos el año muy movido, pero bueno es un post y tampoco lo quiero hacer interminable, más si quieres comenta y dime ? Que haces para disfrutar tu vida? Yo escribo por acá no crean estos post me sirven para frenar lo que siento, acá me siento en paz, gracias #blurt por esta bonita y grata oportunidad 😊.

Gracias a todos los que me regalaron unos minutos de su tiempo para leer el post, espero les haya gustado para seguir viendolos por acá más amenudo y compartir, bye.

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The fires are being caused deliberately. Both by DEW weapons via satellite or some plane that could be a drone too high to be seen by the naked eye, and by hand via paid goons and arsonists taken advantage of the situation. The windy conditions sure didn't help but there is study to suggest that it was deliberately well coordinated and weather studied before hand to know where to start the fires first. The reasons behind all this is written in the elites agenda handbook since the 80's. They also do these false flag events in synchronization with astrology and astronomy. They simple just know more about the stars than we do and how it effects us and they manipulate us for their gain.

Part of the agenda is to raise "15 minute cities" which is basically smaller prisons, more borders, and cross points, more easier to control the masses. It's designed to separate and conquer us all.

But most importantly it's everyone's fault because we gave the psychopaths and sociopaths, narcissists, mixes of the three and more, basically control freaks ñ, etc, all the power they need to control us all without even asking our future generations if that's what they wanted but it's too late for that now.

Today we have the choice to obey and keep throwing everyone else under the wheels of the bus or to disobey and start a new future a new paradigm where we don't rely on government, a ling or queen, the throne itself. But such is the current nature of humans. They want someone in charge even when they don't need it.