Taking on the challenge of building on what has already been done (ENG/ESP)

in blurt-192372 •  2 days ago 

Hello my hard working people of Blurt happy and blessed Tuesday, I hope and truly wish you all a day full of beautiful and positive moments to move forward and grow as people and in their goals, blessings my people.

Today I want to share with you what for me at the time was a challenge, and do not believe when I started with the creation of accessories, bracelets and others I thought it was just that, accessories for ladies and some for men, no sirs, nooo, with crystals, pearls, beads and other beads, you can do so many things that I did not even know.

Among them, purses, puppies, even booties, these baby shoes, you know? hehehehe yes even that perfect for a baptism, or a birth memory, when they told me that I could create these details I got so excited that if before I like costume jewelry now more, because the variety continues to grow, and I'm talking that I learned that a long time ago, we are talking about 2012 approx, but I'll tell you about that.

Because it was not that I was taught as such, but that class was brought to me and the person who brought it to me told me that if I could change a little the step by step, because as indicated by her teacher it looked very complicated, and I said to myself mentally, wow I can do this, but that thought did not take away my desire to learn it and it looked so nice created, I said yes let me do this step by step and I try to make it easier.

Said and done in 2 days I had already made 2 booties, with a step by step a little easier, and is that the idea of creating is also that, create simple pieces but that you are beautiful and of course keep you wanting to continue creating them, but I as a creator of accessories, jewelry, when we see very complicated pieces we do them, but to make them again is difficult, so create this piece and look for it as we say here, turn it around and make it a little simpler was a challenge but I loved it, and more when I could do it :D.

The fact that they trust you to change the steps of a piece is something important because it means that they believe in you, they believe in your talent and they see in you something that you may not see yourself, but they do, so I appreciate every moment that has been given to me to learn, because those have added me knowledge and desire to continue creating, in a world where the sky is the limit.

If you have reached this point I hope you liked what you read, and see you in future posts, to continue sharing and growing together. Bye.


Hola mi gente trabajadora de Blurt feliz y bendecido martes, espero y de verdad deseo para todos un dia lleno de momentos bonitos y positivos para que avancen y crezcan como personas y en sus metas, bendiciones mi gente.

Hoy os quiero compartir con ustedes lo que para mi en su momento fue un reto, y es que no creas cuando yo empece con la creación de accesorios, pulseras y demás yo pensaba que era solo eso, accesorios para damas y unos que otro para caballero, no señores, nooo, con cristales, perlas, mostacillas entre otras pepas u abalorios, se pueden hacer tantas cosas que yo ni sabia.

Entre ellas, carteras, perritos hasta escarpines estos zapatitos de bebe saben? jejeje si hasta eso perfectos para un bautizo, o recuerdo de un nacimiento, cuando me dijeron que se podía crear esos detalles me emocione tanto que si antes me gusta la bisuteria ahora mas, porque la variedad sigue creciendo, y estoy hablando que yo eso lo aprendí hace ya bastante rato, hablamos como del 2012 aprox, pero ya les cuento eso.

Porque no fue que me enseñaron como tal, si no que esa clase me la traen y la persona que me la trae me dice que si yo podía cambiar un poco el paso a paso, ya que como se lo indico su profesora se veía muy complicado, y yo allí me dije mentalmente, wow yo podré con esto, pero ese pensamiento no me quito las ganas de aprenderlo y es que se veía tan bonito creado, que yo dije si dejame este paso a paso y yo lo trato de hacer más fácil.

Dicho y hecho en 2 dias ya tenia realizado 2 escarpines, con un paso a paso un poco más sencillo, y es que la idea de crear también es esa, crear piezas sencillas pero que te queden bonitas y por supuesto te sigan dando ganas de seguirlas creando, pero yo como creadora de accesorios, bisuteria, cuando vemos piezas muy complicadas las hacemos, pero volver a realizarlas es difícil, por eso crear esta pieza y buscarle como decimos aca, darle la vuelta y hacerla un poco mas sencilla fue un reto pero me encanto, y mas cuando lo pude hacer :D.

El que confíen en ti, para cambiar los pasos de una pieza es algo importante porque eso significa que creen en ti, creen en tu talento y ven en ti algo que capaz uno mismo no ve, pero ellos si, así que yo agradezco cada momento que se me ha dado para aprender, porque esos me han sumado conocimiento y ganas de seguir creando, en un mundo donde el límite es el cielo.

Si has llegado a este punto espero te haya gustado lo leído, y verte en próximos post, para seguir juntos compartiendo y creciendo. Bye.



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  ·  2 days ago  ·  

I don't konw if you selling also some of your works here but, try to advertise your handicraft, that you do such things and that you can do for example on order or something like that on blurt market ;)

By https://blurt.pl/en/market.php

Or by any frontend here:


I'm trying to develop this place and it would be nice to find as many offers as possible there. More offers more visitors means a greater chance that sellers and buyers will be found ;)

Even if you haven't thought about it this way yet, maybe here on blurt you can try your first steps :)

best regards

  ·  2 days ago  ·  

Hello, good afternoon, WoW I did not know that it could be sold on this platform, here I am trying to sell them in my country but it is a bit difficult for me. Thanks for the information ☺️

  ·  20 hours ago  ·  

For now it's more like a notice board. It still needs a lot of programming work to make it something more. Nevertheless, there's always a chance that if someone from the community sees the advert they'll respond, especially since we have quite a few people from Brazil (because you're from Brazil?). You can always try to sell something smaller for blurts. And someone from the internet might come across your advert and be interested too.

After all, I always support all posts on the blurt market, so you know.. this is the first notice board on the internet where someone pays you for your ads :D

  ·  15 hours ago  ·   (edited)

Hello, good morning, no, I'm from Venezuela.

  ·  14 hours ago  ·  

Well, but from South America. That's what I meant. Because I see a lot of people from there gathered around Team Mexico who come from Brazil, Venezuela, Mexico, but also other countries from there who know Spanish.

By the way, maybe it would be worth creating a map for users based on the location they provide in their profiles :D

such a loose idea :)