Friday I love you Friday :D (ENG/ESP) Viernes que te quiero viernes :D

in blurt-192372 •  4 months ago 

Hello my beautiful people of Blurt, Friday that I love you Friday, I hope you are super well today last day of the work week for many and for others I start, as they seek an extra income for the end of the year, that's good so success in your search my people so that you have what you crave so much.

Today I want to share with you cool music, Friday music, the kind that invites you to get up from your chair, excuse me but I see blurt as that social network where I share my thoughts, moments, and others and today I want to share, music.

Because after working so much you need to distract yourself, don't you think? of course not as many do, that post music for everyone, but if you need it, enjoy, live, and what better than to hear a little something that frees us and many do not disconnect from the bad that we are going through, I hope you like this post.


Hola mi gente bonita de Blurt, viernes que te quiero viernes, espero esten super bien hoy ultimo dia de la semana laboral para muchos y para otros pues comienzo, ya que buscan una entrada extra para este fin de año, eso es bueno asi que exitos en su búsqueda mi gente para que tengan eso que tanto anhelan.

Hoy os quiero compartir musica chevere, musica de viernes, de esa que te invita a pararte de la silla, disculpen pero ya veo blurt como esa red social donde comparto mis pensamientos, momentos, y demas y hoy quiero compartir, música.

Porque después de trabajar tanto hace falta distraerse no creen? claro no como hacen muchos, que colocan música para todo el mundo, pero si hace falta, disfruta vive, y que mejor que oir un poco de algo que nos libera y a muchos no desconecta de lo malo que estemos pasando, espero os guste este post.

Let's start with this, I love it, I don't remember when it came out but I used to play it all the time and now that I'm an adult it brings back memories and it's fascinating to listen to.

Comencemos con esto, me encanta, no recuerdo cuando salio pero si que la colocaba a cada rato y ahora que soy adulta oírla me trae recuerdos y fascina oír.

Remember this? a hit at the time, which could not miss at any party, and of course it was the hit of the moment.

Se acuerdan de esto? un éxito en su momento, que no podía faltar en ninguna fiesta, y como no si era el hit del momento.

Today is Friday and it seems like tbt Thursday, right? but no, it's just that these songs used to be played in the past and one would get into the spirit hehehehe and dance or not? those of us who are Latinos know it and those who are not are already going to get to know it.

Hoy es viernes y pareciera jueves de tbt verdad? pero no, es que señores antes sonaban estos temas y a uno se le metía como un espíritu jejeje y a bailar o no? los que somos latinos lo sabemos y los que no ya la van a conocer.

And this? the queen of salsa, the Cuban brunette who moved us and showed us that women can also make good music that will last in time. Here is a sample.

Y esta? la reina de la salsa, la morena cubana que nos movió y nos mostró que las mujeres tambien podemos hacer musica buena y que perdurara en el tiempo. Aca una muestra.

And last but not least, a more current topic, but one that young people like and enjoy.

Y por ultimo, pero no menos importante, un tema mas actual pues, pero bueno que los jóvenes os gusta y disfrutan.

If you have reached this point I hope and wish you liked the post, you have danced and enjoyed it, see you in future writings, BYE.

Si has llegado a este punto espero y deseo que te haya gustado el post, te lo hayas bailado y disfrutado, nos vemos en próximos escritos, BYE.

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