In a small town far from the big city lives a beautiful girl named Catalina, she is about to turn 1

in blurt-192372 •  3 months ago 


En un pequeño pueblo alejado de la gran ciudad vive una hermosa niña llamada Catalina, está por cumplir 19 años, es hija de un rico empresario que es respetado en . A partir de entonces fue criado por sirvientes ya que su padre trabajaba y siempre lo dejaba solo. Era feliz pero su vida era muy solitaria pero su padre se negó a dejarlo convertirse en bailarín, hasta que un día se cansó de ello. Su padre lo matriculó en una famosa escuela de danza.

In a small town far from the big city lives a beautiful girl named Catalina, she is about to turn 19 years old, she is the daughter of a rich businessman who is respected in . From then on he was raised by servants since his father worked and always left him alone. He was happy but his life was very lonely but his father refused to let him become a dancer, until one day he got tired of it. His father enrolled him in a famous dance school.


En su primer día de escuela conoció a algunas personas hermosas como él, pero había una diferencia: un joven humilde y con pocas posesiones. La maestra no le hizo mucho caso y le dijo que se quejara con el director. Me enojé y dije eso es lo que tengo que hacer y corrí a la oficina del director, cayendo frente a él. Llegó y sin avisar entró el gerente. Me preguntó ¿qué quiero? , Le hizo saber lo que le preocupaba y le dijo que no debería estar aquí, el director le preguntó con incertidumbre qué le preocupaba de Matías, él enojado le dijo que que pobre chico malo tenía. estando donde está. Él está trabajando, el director de la escuela enojado le dijo que no juzgue a las personas sin su conocimiento, le dijo que no sabe lo que hace, dañará la reputación de su escuela, tomo gobierno. Peligro, dijo el revisor, y salió corriendo dando un fuerte portazo.

On his first day of school he met some beautiful people like himself, but there was one difference: a humble young man with few possessions. The teacher didn't take much notice and told him to complain to the principal. I got angry and said that's what I have to do and ran to the principal's office, falling down in front of him. He arrived and without warning the manager came in. He asked me what do I want? , He let him know what was bothering him and told him he should not be here, the principal asked him with uncertainty what was bothering him about Matias, he angrily told him what a poor bad boy he had. being where he is. He is working, the principal angrily told him not to judge people without his knowledge, he told him he does not know what he is doing, he will damage the reputation of his school, he took government. Danger, said the reviewer, and ran out slamming the door loudly.


Así, con el paso de los días, lo maltrató y todos comenzaron a seguirlo, lo que obligó al joven a abandonar la academia sin su conocimiento. Regresó a casa con un poco de conciencia pero se olvidó. Una noche en la partida de la academia, dejó a su conductor que no le gustaría un niño que tuviera un problema con ella, y él era inesperado, pero lo habían crecido en la calle del camino, lo escucharon. Hasta que sea protegido por su defensa, no solo es escucharlo y verlo para levantarlo para que la pobreza se sorprenda de ellos, él le dijo que no podía dañar, llamar a tu padre y golpear el suyo Ropa para cubrirlo, lo siguió. Llegaron a su casa y él la dejó en la cama mientras ella le daba café para calmarlo. Toma, dijo, dale café.

Thus, as the days went by, he mistreated him and everyone began to follow him, which forced the young man to leave the academy without his knowledge. He returned home with some conscience but forgot. One night at the departure of the academy, he left his driver that he would not like a boy who had a problem with her, and he was unexpected, but they had grown it on the road street, they heard it. Until it is protected by his defense, it is not only listen to him and see him to lift it so that poverty will be surprised of them, he told him that he could not harm, call your father and hit his own Clothes to cover it, he followed him. They arrived at her house and he laid her on the bed while she gave him coffee to calm him down. Here, she said, give him coffee.


. No dejaré que te hagan daño. Él también se levantó, se arrodilló y pidió perdón. El hombre sorprendido le dijo: "No hagas eso, una princesa no debería hacerlo, pero yo lo hice". tus disculpas. Él le dice que le ha robado su pasado. Gracias, le dijo, llamemos a tu Padre, no, no, por favor, no quiero, me tengo que ir. tú en el auto entonces, bueno, dijo, se detuvieron y fueron a la parada, charlando bien hasta que llegaron a un árbol grande, dijo, estás bien, sí, gracias, se quedaron mirándose. escapó, subió al auto y se despidió. Llegó a su casa, entró al baño sin que nadie lo viera y se cambió de ropa para dormir. Al día siguiente se encontraron en el colegio y se saludaron, cómo estás, dijo el mejor, gracias y a ti también, perdón, dijo, por lo que hice ayer, no te preocupes, no te perdono. quieres que tenga sexo con él, dijo que si, dijo, de ahí todos los días, fueron al árbol a hablar hasta que su padre lo atrapó y lo trajo a casa, dijo que ama a su hija, el hombre se enojó. y le dije, olvídala a ella, no a ti.

. I will not let them hurt you. He too got up, knelt down and asked for forgiveness. The surprised man told him, “Don't do that, a princess shouldn't do that, but I did.” your apologies. He tells her that she has robbed him of his past. Thank you, he told her, let's call your Father, no, no, please, I don't want to, I have to go. you in the car then, well, he said, they stopped and went to the stop, chatting well until they came to a big tree, he said, you're fine, yes, thank you, they stood looking at each other. he escaped, got in the car and said goodbye. He arrived home, went into the bathroom without anyone seeing him and changed his clothes to go to sleep. The next day they met at school and greeted each other, how are you, said the best, thank you and you too, sorry, he said, for what I did yesterday, don't worry, I don't forgive you. you want me to have sex with him, he said yes, he said, from there every day, they went to the tree to talk until his father caught him and brought him home, he said he loves his daughter, the man got mad. and I said, forget her, not you.


Acordaron hablar de escapar juntos con la ayuda del director, escaparán, él les devolverá el pasaporte y el billete falso y venderá sus joyas. El día de la fuga saltó por la ventana y entró al aeropuerto. Lo estaba esperando y el director vino a despedirse. El alcalde les dijo que se cuidaran y le contaran cómo iban las cosas. Cuando el enojo de su padre pasó, le dijo con lágrimas en los ojos que le contarían todo y le preguntó si le haría un favor. El director dijo que sí, dile, por favor cuida a mi padre. Prometo que pronto saldrá el avión y se subirán al avión para vivir su historia de amor.Duda y amor: una historia de amor inevitable

They agreed to talk about escaping together with the help of the director, they will escape, he will return their passport and the fake ticket and sell their jewelry. On the day of the escape he jumped out of the window and entered the airport. He was waiting for him and the director came to say goodbye. The mayor told them to take care of themselves and tell him how things were going. When his father's anger passed, he told him with tears in his eyes that they would tell him everything and asked him if he would do him a favor. The director said yes, tell him, please take care of my father. I promise that soon the plane will leave and they will get on the plane to live their love story.Doubt and love: an inevitable love story.


Es la historia de dos amantes, un niño y una niña.Todavía se hablan todas las noches antes de acostarse, a pesar de los años que han pasado, su amor sigue siendo el mismo. . Ella le habló de su día, de sus sueños, de sus anhelos; Le habló de los libros que estaba leyendo y de lo que pensaba sobre la vida y otros temas filosóficos.
Ella le pedía consejo para los problemas diarios que enfrentaba en su vida diaria, siempre le resultaba fácil encontrar una manera de ayudarla a resolver los dilemas. La noche es corta debido a mucho qué decir.

It is the story of two lovers, a boy and a girl, who still talk to each other every night before going to bed, despite the years that have passed, their love is still the same . She told him about her day, her dreams, her longings; she told him about the books she was reading and what she thought about life and other philosophical subjects.
She would ask him for advice for the daily problems she faced in her daily life, it was always easy for him to find a way to help her solve the dilemmas. The night is short because of so much to say.


No se rinden o lo que asignan. Además, pasaron horas pensando el tipo de entretenimiento y pensamientos, como si estuvieran haciendo una película. Un día, le contó una historia sobre el sucesor al trono del reino mágico de Ágora En, donde sucedieron varias situaciones divertidas e interesantes: ¡incluso había dragones! La historia fue tan conmovedora que le recordó el increíble amor entre ellos, no hay palabras para describirlo y el increíble amor entre el Príncipe Ágora y la Princesa Tiana en la historia, y el amor suave e inmortal entre ellos dos. en el mundo real.

They do not give up or what they assign. In addition, they spent hours thinking the kind of entertainment and thoughts, as if they were making a movie. One day, he told her a story about the successor to the throne of the magical kingdom of Agora En, where various funny and interesting situations happened: there were even dragons! The story was so touching that it reminded him of the incredible love between them, there are no words to describe it and the incredible love between Prince Agora and Princess Tiana in the story, and the gentle and immortal love between the two of them. in the real world.


También discutieron temas importantes como la religión; siempre honestos y respetuosos de la opinión del otro sin conflictos ni malentendidos entre ellos, nunca discuten, aprenden unos de otros compartiendo preocupaciones cada vez más profundas por el mundo que los rodea, sus creencias y su cultura y época romántica. sino los detalles sutiles donde se comparten risas y se comparten recuerdos. Cuando estuvieron juntos, vivieron muchas experiencias inolvidables, desde asistir a eventos religiosos hasta viajar juntos a diferentes áreas donde pudieron disfrutar de los hermosos paisajes de diferentes partes del mundo. Cada momento es especial para ellos en este proceso de descubrimiento y felicidad. y cada uno de los dos vivían juntos, pensando que aunque lo hiciéramos al mismo tiempo, el sentimiento se hacía más fuerte y sobre todo confirmaba la verdad de

They also discussed important topics such as religion; always honest and respectful of each other's opinion with no conflicts or misunderstandings between them, they never argue, they learn from each other sharing deeper and deeper concerns about the world around them, their beliefs and their culture and romantic era. but the subtle details where they share laughs and share memories. When they were together, they had many unforgettable experiences, from attending religious events to traveling together to different areas where they could enjoy the beautiful scenery of different parts of the world. Every moment is special for them in this process of discovery and happiness. and each one of them lived together, thinking that even though we did it at the same time, the feeling became stronger and above all confirmed the truth of


A medida que pasa el tiempo, aprenden más el uno del otro, viven diferentes situaciones cercanas a los pensamientos y sentimientos del otro, demostrando que pueden identificar muy bien el carácter de la persona que aman, tal como él lo describe y que está triste y magistralmente grabado. en el centro. pensamiento sin necesidad de comprender el cambio nebuloso que incluye el universo infinito de muchos impulsos, sentimientos, conexiones, pensamientos complejos. Joe es la matriz de este relativismo que los define como creadores de sus propias cosas. A pesar de esto, es inevitable encontrar situaciones difíciles: discusiones y nubes oscuras sobre lo que se debe perder en el mar de pensamientos y emociones que atacaron con fuerza cuando la vida empezó a hacernos diferentes para ellos o cuando el camino es demasiado grande. . el poder de ganar en cualquier momento. Lo importante es dar palabras de consuelo para consolarse unos a otros y llenar sus corazones de energía y resistencia para la siguiente etapa del viaje.

As time goes on, they learn more about each other, experience different situations close to each other's thoughts and feelings, proving that they can very well identify the character of the person they love, as he describes it and that it is sadly and masterfully etched. in the center. thought without needing to understand the nebulous change that includes the infinite universe of many impulses, feelings, connections, complex thoughts. Joe is the matrix of this relativism that defines them as creators of their own things. Despite this, it is inevitable to find difficult situations: discussions and dark clouds about what to lose in the sea of thoughts and emotions that attacked with force when life began to make us different for them or when the road is too big. . the power to win at any time. The important thing is to give words of comfort to comfort each other and fill their hearts with energy and stamina for the next stage of the journey.


Sin embargo, ha pasado mucho tiempo desde ese momento y ahora continúan con su lucha normal para mantener vivo su amor, aunque a veces les cuesta protegerse, especialmente de las cosas malas que les suceden, siguen luchando contra el viento y las olas. , sin embargo. Esperan que la historia se repita y la pareja vuelva a ser feliz como lo eran cuando se conocieron, en ese precioso tiempo en el que el mundo ahora será muy diferente. Cada noche antes de dormir ellostomaban unpoco desusmanoscobijandosemutuamenteenelfrioenfrascuyouseguridadlosayudabaprotegerseencualquiermomentolargadehorasseleshaciaplacentero estaresperandoenmediodeunaextrañaquietudpensandopoderresaltarlabezdelaguamiéndolasombra apartirdesañossintienendeunidadvelverel significadoreal detodoaquelloquehabianformado .

Y así fue comolas horassehicieronlargasyseverahilicendoquedesplazaranlograndoescaparderealidadesmuchovecesdurasparaconverseguirflightbrandoconlamismapasionyfequeomnianheladosdesdetiempospasados ​​hastaFinalmentehallarenelcaminoa SuDestinojuntoasuverdaderoAmorEternoyDivino…

However, a lot of time has passed since that moment and now they continue with their normal struggle to keep their love alive, although sometimes they find it hard to protect themselves, especially from the bad things that happen to them, they continue to fight against the wind and the waves. However. They hope that history will repeat itself and the couple will be happy again as they were when they first met, in that precious time when the world will now be very different. Every night before going to sleep they would take a little of their hands together, sheltering in the cold, their security would help them to protect themselves in any long moment, for hours it would be pleasant for them to be waiting in the midst of a strange restlessness, thinking they could raise the head of the water, leaving their shadow after years without feeling as one to see the real meaning of all that they had formed.

And so it was that the hours grew long and became long and eventually they were displaced, escaping from the sometimes hard realities to continue to shine with the same passion and faith that they had longed for from long ago until they finally found themselves on the path to His destiny together with their true Eternal and Divine Love...

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