
in blurt-192372 •  2 months ago 

There are many proven indicators of the point of insanity, but I think the point of insanity for someone would be not knowing who they are, not remembering who they are, not being able to prove it, or something like that. If we don't know or remember who we are and we haven't had a recent accident or illness or something like that, that's a strong indication that we're going crazy.


When you immerse yourself in the story of the 2011 movie Unknown, you may have complex thoughts similar to the ones above. And when you find your place in the story; your patience may be tested, your anger control may be scaled!

Without causing more confusion, let me briefly talk about the plot of the movie. I won't mislead anyone if I say that it's the adventure of a man who has trouble remembering who he is after an accident, and when he does, he has trouble proving it, but it's not that short and straightforward! In the process of proving his identity, the fact that even the woman he has been married to for five years cannot confirm his identity quickly triggers the point of madness and insanity.

Although the movie is full of successful action scenes from time to time, I would say that it is more successful in the thriller and mystery genres. If I had to say which of these three genres I see it closer to, I would definitely go for the thriller. Every stage of trying to prove who you are is very tense and if you are involved in the story, you will go crazy with the character.


The story of the movie is very successful and it is perfectly handled through a character with a personality problem. In the beginning, the audience is made to believe that everything is going on as usual and then when things get out of control, they are left wondering what to believe. In this respect, the mystery is added to the story in a very effective way and the foundation for the tension is laid from the beginning, which even the viewer succeeds in projecting.

I don't know what kind of contradictions Liam Neeson, who plays the character of Dr. Martin Harris, had with his character while playing this role, but I am almost sure that he was deep in thought. I think he may have experienced some contradictions through the character and had difficulty returning to normal. His extremely successful acting was the most important reason why the movie was very, very successful in the thriller genre.

By the time you realize the plan and the way the plan is followed, you have reached the final scenes of the film. I think the success belongs to the screenwriters, they created a very remarkable production with the way they concealed the main story. They successfully tied the ending of the movie with the character who wanders around without knowing who he is.


I highly recommend you to watch the movie Unknown. The movie has a very successful story in the genres of action, suspense and mystery. The progression of the story and the connections were also elements that increased the pleasure of watching. Keeping the action at the right dose increases the value of the action scenes even more.

Thank you for being here and reading. I wish everyone who will watch the movie a good time. I hope I was able to give a preliminary idea about the movie. Take care and goodbye!

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