Ordinary Angels - The lasting impact of real life stories

in blurt-192372 •  7 days ago 

Ordinary Angels is the story of a man who has to be both a father and a mother to his daughters after losing his wife. Since the movie is based on real life, it has a greater impact and makes us appreciate what we have for a while after watching it.


Set in a small town in Kentucky, this touching story centers on a man who loses his wife and the possibility of losing his little girl to the same disease. At a time when setbacks come one after the other, you want to rebel and say, "No way!", but it is important to remember that this is a real life story.

I'm sure everyone experiences similar feelings when things don't go our way; everyone has a patience point and we constantly question why things happen to us. The movie handles this questioning perfectly in my opinion. The story starts with a mother and continues through her little daughter right after the mother loses her life.

Although the drama and the possibility of losing one's life is experienced first by the mother and then by her little daughter, the strong father figure in the movie increases the impact of the story. Alan Ritchson, who plays the character of Ad Schmitt, perfectly reflects the strong father character I mentioned. It was impossible not to feel the impact of his drama in the scenes where his inner explosion was revealed.


In some movies, I think the actor feels exactly what the character is going through, and I think Alan Ritchson understood exactly what Ad Schmitt was going through in real life and successfully reflected it in the movie. I must admit that I was even more surprised when I saw his resemblance to the real Ad Schmitt at the end of the movie.

In my opinion, the most important person who influenced the movie and the drama aspect of the movie was Hilary Swank who plays the character of Sharon Stevens. The moments when she goes from being a person who has no good in herself to taking on the drama of a family and attempting to save the life of a little girl were the most enjoyable and exciting moments of the movie. There are some people who you think are both boring and talkative, but you envy their ability to get the job done. Hilary Swank deserved a lot of applause for exactly this kind of acting performance.


The last scene of Ordinary Angels was both thrilling and tantrum-inducing. It was a lesson on how unlucky a person can be, but the only good thing was that it was an important lesson on what people can achieve together when they want to. Sometimes when we are at the point of giving up, the light of hope reappears and calls us to never give up.

I recommend everyone to watch Ordinary Angels, it's a family friendly movie and full of real life lessons. The only warning I can give is, don't strain yourself as much as I did in the last scenes, watch it in a relaxed way; everything is for the happiness of one and the unhappiness of the other! Unfortunately, we can't make everyone happy, catching up for one means that the other has to risk postponing their life. And the procrastination I am talking about is life-threatening.

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