Healing by nutrition; nutritional value of Okro otherwise known as Lady's fingers.

in blurt-192372 •  5 days ago 



Through my years as a health consultant and public health educator; i always let people understand that preventive health is very important. If people can make healthy lifestyle choices and adapt healthy feeding style they can keep many diseases at bay. Without much ado, I would like to introduce to you, one of my favorite vegetables; Okro otherwise known as Lady's fingers due to its structure.
Okro is commonly grown in my Community for either commercial purpose or domestic use. But I grow it organically for domestic use. I grow and consume Okro as a stable food due to its nutritional health value. The benefits are enormous but I would like to share a few in Blurt Community space.
From my research, I find out that people in my Community grow and consume Okro as a source of calcium and magnesium, especially to prevent health related complications such as weak bones or joints complications. Okro also help to improve eyesight due to its vitamin A and beta-carotene which are all important for healthy eye sight. That notwithstanding it is believed that Okro can prevent liver diseases. Moreover Okro it is also believed that Okro contains a property known as lectin that is capable of killing breast cancer cells. And it has been proven that Okro can reduce the chances of cardiovascular diseases because of the soluble fiber it comes with, which decreases cholesterol in the body, especially as it has the tendency of blocking the arteries creating obstruction in blood circulation, thus improving heart health.
From my garden you can be able to see just how
great it is to grow Okro either for commercial or domestic use. Healing by nutrition is less costly compared to orthodox method.

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