Pueblo Chico Infierno Grande [4] (BigVERSO)

in blurt-192372 •  9 hours ago 

Pueblo chico infierno grande [4]

Conocí a Beatriz primero que a Belinda, cuando vestido de azul con mi grado de sargento patrullaba las peligrosas calles de ciudad Caótica un año antes de tomar mi examen para detective. Una tarde muy cerca de la universidad Central cuando iba en mi patrulla junto a mi compañero el cabo Alvarado, faltaba poco para terminar nuestro turno cuando fuimos testigos de un robo, un muchacho joven le arranco su bolso a una señora y echo a correr en dirección contraria cuando nos vio, habia mucho trafico y nuestra patrulla se quedo atascada en el, no me quedo mas remedio que bajarme de la patrulla y perseguir al ladronzuelo a pie.


El muchacho tratando de escapar me condujo hasta una calle aledaña a la universidad donde hay varias cafeterías y pequeños restaurantes, allí los estudiantes ademas de comer suelen pasar el rato descansado o estudiando, el ladronzuelo era mas joven y rápido que yo así que se alejaba de mi tomando cada vez mas ventaja, -Alto o disparo!!!-, le grite como último recurso cuando vi que no le daría alcance para amedrentarlo aunque no habia desenfundado mi arma ni tampoco lo hubiera hecho por el robo de un simple bolso poniendo en peligro tanto al bandido como a los estudiantes y los empleados de las cafeterías de la zona, el muchacho no se detuvo, pero mi grito si alerto a Beatriz que tomaba café sentada en una mesa.


Al ver lo que sucedía la inteligente estudiante de medicina pensó muy rápido y no dudo en tomar su bolso lleno con sus pesados libros de estudio y arrojárselo a los pies del ladronzuelo cuando pasaba al lado de su mesa, el muchacho se tropezó, perdió el equilibrio y se fue de bruces al suelo permitiéndome darle alcance y arrestarlo, me percate de lo hermosa que era Bea cuando se agacho a recoger sus libros y su bolso, unos minutos después cuando llego Alvarado me tome el tiempo de acercarme a Bea para darle las gracias por su ayuda, enseguida me encandilo con su preciosa sonrisa y me enamore de ella en ese preciso instante!!!


Ella se marcho inmediatamente y no pude preguntarle ni su nombre, deduje que por su juventud y su bolso cargados de libros de anatomía y medicina la bella joven debía ser estudiante de la universidad Central, a partir de ese momento cada día convencía al cabo Alvarado de que diéramos una vuelta por esa misma calle cada tarde al terminar nuestro turno de patrullaje solo para verla de lejos, ha veces tenía suerte otras no. Luego de tres semanas de esta misma rutina Alvarado me dijo que me atreviera a hablar con ella, que la invitara al cine o a tomar un café, o el lo haría la próxima vez que la viéramos sentada tomando café, supongo que para eso sirven los buenos compañeros, la siguiente tarde que la vimos me baje de la patrulla, me acerque la salude, me presente formalmente, supe su nombre Beatriz Mirabal, confirme que estudiaba medicina, pero solo me atreví a invitarla a tomarnos una taza de café allí mismo.


Luego de ese segundo encuentro pase un mes tomando café algunas tardes con Bea, fue entonces que Conocí a su hermana menor Belinda que estudiaba agronomía en la misma universidad, era linda y muy simpática, a veces nos acompañaba en algunos de esos encuentros, no voy a mentirles aunque Bela era tan hermosa como su hermana mayor, yo solo estaba interesado en Bea, así que una tarde que estábamos solos luego de tomarnos nuestra acostumbrada taza de café me tire al agua y la invite a ir cine y luego a cenar, una cita le aclare para que no le quedará dudas de mis intenciones románticas, Beatriz fue muy amable pero directa al rechazar mi invitación aclarándome que tenía un novio en su pueblo y estaba comprometida para casarse con el.


Fue un golpe muy duro no les voy a mentir me desilusione bastante, apagado y cabizbajo le di las gracias por su sinceridad pague la cuenta y me levante para marcharme, pero Beatriz me detuvo:

-Espera un momento Joaquín eres un policía pero no te fijas bien en las cosas que tienes al frente!!!

-¿A que te refieres Bea?-, le pregunte algo confundido.

-¿Como es posible que no hallas notado los ojos con que te mira mi hermana Belinda cada vez que toma café con nosotros aquí sentada?


-La verdad que no me he fijado, supongo que solo tengo ojos para ti.

-Pero yo no estoy libre y ella si, invítala a salir la próxima vez que la veas, seguro aceptara y para que no te quede dudas de mis buenas intenciones jamas le mencionare a Belinda que me invitaste a mi primero para que no se enoje.

Me marche esa tarde pero las palabras de Beatriz no cayeron en saco roto, un par de semanas después invitaba a salir al cine a Bela, poco tiempo después nos hicimos novios, me enamore perdidamente de Belinda, supongo que así como existe el amor a primera vista también debe existir a la segunda!!!, para cuando nos casamos no me podía imaginar amando a otra mujer que no fuese Bela, y fuimos muy felices sin casi ninguna sombra en el camino acechándonos hasta que su hermana mayor decidió incumplir su palabra empeñada, aunque debo confesar que aparentemente yo también puse mucho de mi parte para romper los fuertes lazos de mi unión con Bela!!!


Regresando a la madrugada del día martes...

-Joaquín lo siento mucho por tu compadre, me entere en mi consultorio a media mañana, iba a llamarte para darte el pésame pero no quise molestarte seguro estabas muy ocupado con todo lo sucedido, Santiago era un buen hombre a pesar de todos sus deslices, ¿ quien diría que acabaría pegándose un tiro en la cabeza ?

-Creo que nadie lo hubiera imaginado!!!, mucha gracias Beatriz, y si no lo niego mi compadre no era un hombre perfecto pero no merecía acabar así.

-¿Como esta Pablo?

-Mi ahijado afectado y triste por la muerte de su padre, hable con el esta tarde, por suerte es un niño fuerte con buen carácter.

-Que triste todo esta situación, ¿ tu para donde vas, y tu auto donde lo dejaste?

-Lo deje aparcado frente al bar, me tome unos tragos de mas despidiendo a Santiago, ahora voy de camino a la comisaria a pedirle a Rolando que me haga el favor de llevarme hasta la finca.


-Ven súbete yo te llevo.

-No te preocupes Beatriz ya estoy cerca de la comisaria.

-No seas tonto Joaquín súbete al auto!!!

Me dijo Bea con su bella sonrisa, como un tonto subí al mercedes benz, -Puta madre!!!-, nunca debí montarme en ese maldito auto!!!



*** *** *** English Version *** *** ***

Small town big hell [4]

I met Beatriz first than Belinda, when dressed in blue with my sergeant rank I patrolled the dangerous streets of Chaotic City a year before taking my detective exam. One afternoon very close to the Central University when I was on my patrol with my partner Corporal Alvarado, our shift was almost over when we witnessed a robbery, a young boy snatched her bag from a woman and started running in the direction contrary when he saw us, there was a lot of traffic and our patrol car got stuck in it, I had no choice but to get out of the patrol car and chase the thief on foot.


The boy trying to escape led me to a street next to the university where there are several cafeterias and small restaurants, there the students, in addition to eating, usually spend their time resting or studying, the little thief was younger and faster than me so he walked away from me. me taking more and more advantage, -Stop or I shoot!!!-, I yelled at him as a last resort when I saw that I would not be able to reach him to intimidate him although I had not drawn my weapon nor would I have done so for the theft of a simple bag putting endangering both the bandit and the students and employees of the cafeterias in the area, the boy did not stop, but my scream did alert Beatriz who was sitting at a table drinking coffee.


Seeing what was happening, the intelligent medical student thought very quickly and did not hesitate to take her bag full of her heavy study books and throw it at the feet of the little thief when he passed by her table. The boy stumbled and lost his balance. and he fell face down on the ground, allowing me to catch up with him and arrest him. I noticed how beautiful Bea was when she bent down to pick up her books and her bag. A few minutes later, when Alvarado arrived, I took the time to Approaching Bea to thank her for her help, I immediately fell in love with her beautiful smile and fell in love with her at that precise moment!!!


She left immediately and I couldn't even ask her name. I deduced that due to her youth and her bag full of books on anatomy and medicine, the beautiful young woman must have been a student at the Central University. From that moment on, every day she convinced Corporal Alvarado to that we would take a walk down that same street every afternoon at the end of our patrol shift just to see her from afar, sometimes I was lucky, other times I wasn't. After three weeks of this same routine, Alvarado told me to dare to talk to her, to invite her to the movies or to have coffee, or he would do it the next time we saw her sitting down having coffee, I guess that's what good ones are for. Comrades, the next afternoon we saw her I got out of the patrol car, I approached her, greeted her, formally introduced myself, I learned her name Beatriz Mirabal, I confirmed that she was studying medicine, but I only dared to invite her to have a cup of coffee right there.


After that second meeting, I spent a month having coffee some afternoons with Bea, it was then that I met her younger sister Belinda who studied agronomy at the same university, she was pretty and very nice, sometimes she accompanied us in some of those meetings, I'm not going to lie to them although Bela was as beautiful as her older sister, I was only interested in Bea, so one afternoon when we were alone after having our usual cup of coffee I jumped into the water and invited her to go to the movies and then to dinner, a date I clarified so that there will be no doubts about my romantic intentions, Beatriz was very kind but direct when she rejected my invitation, clarifying that she had a boyfriend in her town and was engaged to marry him.


It was a very hard blow, I'm not going to lie, I was quite disappointed, subdued and crestfallen, I thanked him for his sincerity, I paid the bill and got up to leave, but Beatriz stopped me:

-Wait a moment Joaquín, you are a police officer but you don't pay close attention to the things in front of you!!!

-What do you mean, Bea?-, I asked, somewhat confused.

-How is it possible that you haven't noticed the eyes with which my sister Belinda looks at you every time she has coffee with us sitting here?


-The truth is that I haven't noticed, I guess I only have eyes for you.

-But I'm not free and she is, invite her out the next time you see her, I'm sure she'll accept and so that you don't have any doubts about my good intentions, I will never mention to Belinda that you invited me first so she doesn't get angry.

I left that afternoon but Beatriz's words did not fall on deaf ears, a couple of weeks later she invited Bela to the movies, shortly after we became boyfriends, I fell madly in love with Belinda, I guess that's just how love at first exists. view must also exist the second time!!!, by the time we got married I couldn't imagine loving another woman other than Bela, and we were very happy with almost no shadow on the road stalking us until her older sister decided to break her word determined, although I must confess that apparently I also did a lot to break the strong ties of my union with Bela!!!


Returning to the early hours of Tuesday...

-Joaquín I am very sorry for your friend, I found out in my office mid-morning, I was going to call you to give you my condolences but I didn't want to bother you, I'm sure you were very busy with everything that happened, Santiago was a good man despite all his mistakes, Who would have thought that he would end up shooting himself in the head?

-I don't think anyone would have imagined it!!!, thank you very much Beatriz, and if I don't deny it, my friend was not a perfect man but he didn't deserve to end up like this.

-How is Pablo?

-My godson, affected and sad by the death of his father, I spoke with him this afternoon, luckily he is a strong child with a good character.

-How sad this whole situation is, where are you going, and where did you leave your car?

-I left it parked in front of the bar, I had a few too many drinks saying goodbye to Santiago, now I'm on my way to the police station to ask Rolando to do me the favor of taking me to the farm.


-Come on, I'll take you.

-Don't worry, Beatriz, I'm already close to the police station.

-Don't be stupid Joaquín, get in the car!!!

Bea told me with her beautiful smile, like a fool I got into the Mercedes Benz, -Fucking mother!!!-, I should never have gotten in that damn car!!!


To be continued...

Capitulos Anteriores:

Escrito originalmente en Español, traducido al ingles utilizando Google Traslate.

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