Pueblo Chico Infierno Grande [3] (BigVERSO)

in blurt-192372 •  7 days ago 

Pueblo chico infierno grande [3]

Un par de días despues de aquel fortuito encuentro detras de la fabrica de conservas Santiago Ariza se presento una tarde en la finca con una botella de ron y unas fichas de domino, mientras tomabamos y jugamos me contó sobre sus secretos y sus muchos lios de falda, supe entonces que mi amigo no solo guardaba semejanza con el famoso protagonista de «Amores en los tiempos del Colera» de Gabriel Garcia Marquez por su apellido Ariza que ambos compartian, sino que tambein ambos tenían el gusto refinado por las mujeres, las relaciones peligrosas y el secretismo de sus amores que conlleva tener algunas relaciones prohibidas con mujeres casadas.


Pero allí no se detenian las semejanzas entre Florentino y mi compadre Santiago ambos también tenía un gran amor desde hace unos 20 años que no fue totalmente correspondido y según sus propias palabras quizás la única mujer de San Casimirito con la cual hubiera sentado cabeza si ella hubiera querido formalizar con el, pero Santiago jamas me dio el nombre de ella o de ni ninguna otra de sus muchas amantes, era muy cuidadoso mi compadre a ese respecto, tampoco me conto nunca algun detalle fisico que me permitera tan si quiera identificarlas, Santiago tampoco me dio cifras oficiales de cuantos amorios fugaces o largos tuvo, solo las describia por sus sonrisas, sus miradas, por cuantos arañazos de gata le dejaban en la espalda, o la forma peculiar en que cada una de ellas le susurraba al oido -quedate un poquito mas-, en la madrugada cuando comenzaba a vestirse para marcharse, entre tantas historias y aventuras amorosas pude calcular prestando mucha atención que mas de 60 mujeres de distintas razas, tamaños, edades, condicion social y estado civil habian probado las conservas especiales de mi compadre Santiago Ariza.

Ademas de su amor imposible y sus muchas otras amantes el otro secreto de Ariza que si me confeso era que tenía 7 hijos de 6 mujeres distintas de San Casimirito, todas eran solteras con las cuales nunca tuvo o penso tener una relación seria, pero a todas las ayudaba economicamente para mantener a sus hijos para que no les faltara nada, la identidad de 6 de sus hijos los mantenia en secreto, a exepcion de mi ahijado, hace 6 años atrás se hizo del conocimiento publico la partenidad del pequeño Pablo de 5 años en ese entonces cuando la madre del niño decidio marcharse de San Casimirito y dejo al niño en la casa de su abuela doña Eloísa para que se hicieran cargo de el.


Pero 3 meses atras cuando Santiago se lanzo para alcalde e iba ganando en las encuestas el secreto sobre la patenidad de sus otros 6 hijos se hizo publica, aquello cayo como una bomba en medio de la corta campaña electoral en un pueblo que psicologicamente aun no se habia recuperado por las perdidas humanas y de infrestructura por el gran incendio que arraso a San Casimirito hacia solo unos pocos días para ese momento, alguien muy mal intencionado que también conocia el secreto de Santiago lo divulgo clavandole una puñalada que lo hizo perder la elección contra mi concuñado Arnoldo Saavedra.

Como en San Casimirito no teniamos morgue ni mucho menos algo parecido a un medico forense aquel lunes me toco llamar a ciudad Caótica para pedirle el favor a mi ex jefe el Capitan Montoya que no dudo en enviarme un equipo foresne desde la capital para levantar el cuerpo de Santiago, pero me toco esperar casi todo el día encerrado con su cadaver en su pequeña oficina a que vinieran por el, durante la espera se presentaron las 5 madres con los 6 hijos de Santiago a la fabrica para pedir su parte de la herencia, doña Eloísa que es mas inteligente que todas ellas las puso a correr cuando les dijo que primero tenían que hablar conmigo para quedar libres de sospecha por la muerte de su hijo!!!, doña Eloísa lo hizo para evitar una escena, con el cuerpo todavia caliente de su hijo las arpias habian venido por un pedazo de la fabrica como si fuesen unas aves carroñeras,ese día ninguna quiso hablar conmigo pero el martes envie a Rolando a casa de cada una de ellas para informales que se presentaran en la comisaria para interrogarlas, ya que ellas eran las unicas amantes conocidas de mi compadre por algun lado tenía que empezar con la investigación.


Aparte del arma homicida en la mano equivocada otra cosa que me hizo dudar del suicidio de mi compadre fue la escueta nota escrita en la pantalla de su laptop, «lo siento», les puedo asegurar que ese hombre no se arrepentia de nada en esta vida, tal vez solo de una cosa que hablamos mas de una vez, Santiago se lamentaba por no conocer a todos sus hijos, sabia muy bien que siendo un hombre con una semilla tan fuerte era casi imposible que en todos sus años como «bandido de amores», «invasor de alcolbas», y «usurpador de funciones de marido» como el mismo se autonombraba a veces en tono de broma durante nuestras conversaciones, no hubiera dejado embarazada a una, dos o tres de sus amantes casadas, Santiago me confeso que tenía algunas sospechas pero ninguna certeza pero estaba seguro que tenía mas de 7 hijos regados en el pueblo de San Casimirito.


Por mi parte aunque todavia faltaba el informe oficial de la autopsia de Santiago para corroborarlo yo estaba 100% seguro en ese momento que mi compadre no se habia suicidado, lo cual me llevo a sacar una segunda conjetura, si alguien habia asesinado a Santiago y habia arreglado la escena del crimen para que pareciese un suicidio supuse que solo podía significar que una de sus muchas amantes era la responsable de su muerte. Vamos por parte si hubiera sido un hombre el responsable, un marido ofendido, un novio, un padre o un hermano de alguna de sus muchas amantes que descubrio sus andanzas y decidio matarlo lo hubieran confrontado de frente, como ocurrio hace 3 meses cuando se descubrio la paternidad sobre sus otros 6 hijos, salieron varios familiares a pedir explicaciones, aunque en esa oportunidad la sangre no llego al río porque asi como se supo que Santiago era el padre de los niños también se corrió la voz de que el se ocupaba economicamante de sus hijos y eso apaciguo las aguas.


La gente de campo es en su mayoria simple me refiero a ello no peyorativamente, sobre todo los hombres del campo son muy diferentes a los hombres de la ciudad, lo cual los hace ser mas frontales, directos, sin medias tintas, no me imagino a Juan el carpintero, o a Pedro el mecanico o a don Jacinto el panadero arreglando una escena del crimen para simular un suicidio si se hubieran enterado que Santiago era el amante secreto de sus bellas esposas, hubieran tomado un revolver, una escopeta o un machete y lo hubieran ido a buscar de frente.


Así que luego de darle muchas vuelta no me quedaba la menor duda de que tuvo que ser una mujer la asesina, eso me dijo mi instinto de detective. Como a las 5 de la tarde llego mi ahijado Pablo demandando ver a su papa, se le habia escapado a doña Eloísa, yo por supuesto sali de la oficina y me sente a hablar con el para calmarlo, no podía permitir que viera el cadaver de su padre con un balazo en la cabeza.


Llame a Rolando para que llevara al niño de regreso a casa de su abuela, al rato de eso me llamo Belinda que paso todo el día en la siembra y se habia enterado hace solo un rato de lo sucedido, luego de darme el pesame me pregunto ¿como estaba?, ella sabia el gran aprecio que le tenía a mi compadre pese a su estilo de vida que ella no veia con buenos ojos como me comento mas de una vez, acorde con Bela que en lo que recogieran el cuerpo me regresaba para la finca y hablabamos con mas calma en nuestra casa.


El equipo forense de ciudad Caótica parece que venia en burro, llegaron poco antes de las 8, cuando por fin se marcharon con el cadaver de Santiago eran casi las 10 de la noche, cuando vi que montaron el cuerpo en la camioneta de la policía fue que me golpeo mas la muerte de mi compadre, estaba bastante aturdido por todo lo sucedido y sobre todo por las circunstancias de su seguro asesinato, llame a Belinda para avisarle que necesitaba despejarme un poco antes de regresar a la casa, ella como siempre comprensiva y cariñosa me dio el visto bueno, sali de la fabrica de conservas y conduje hasta un bar en medio del pueblo propiedad del señor Onofre, pedi una botella de ron de la misma marca que siempre tomaba con mi compadre para despedirlo.


Unas horas despues cuando sali del bar el ulular de una lechuza en lo alto de un cedro de la plaza principal de San Casimirito me anuncio que ya eran mas de la media noche sin necesidad de ver mi reloj, debi abordar mi vehiculo e irme a casa, pero como siempre de responsable como estaba muy ebrio para conducir hasta la finca decidi irme caminando hasta la estación para pedirle el favor a Rolando de que me llevase hasta mi casa, pero durante el trayecto a la comisaria me interceptaron, las luces altas de un mercedes benz me cegaron por un segundo, cuando las apagaron pude ver a la dueña de la sonrisa mas linda que jamas halla visto, no era otra que Bea, Beatriz Mirabal la hermana mayor de mi esposa.



*** *** *** English Version *** *** ***

Small town big hell [3]

A couple of days after that fortuitous meeting behind the canning factory, Santiago Ariza showed up one afternoon at the farm with a bottle of rum and some dominoes, while we drank and played, he told me about his secrets and his many skirt troubles. , I knew then that my friend not only bore a resemblance to the famous protagonist of "Amores en los tiempo del Cholera" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez because of his surname Ariza that they both shared, but that They also both had the refined taste in women, dangerous relationships and the secrecy of their loves that comes with having some forbidden relationships with married women.


But the similarities between Florentino and my friend Santiago did not stop there, both of whom also had a great love for about 20 years that was not fully reciprocated and according to his own words, perhaps the only woman from San Casimirito with whom he would have settled down if she had I wanted to formalize with him, but Santiago never gave me the name of her or any other of his many lovers. My friend was very careful in that regard, nor did he ever tell me any physical details that I would even allow me to identify them, Santiago did not give me official figures of how many fleeting or long affairs he had, he only described them by their smiles, their looks, by how many cat scratches they left on his back, or the peculiar way in which each of them They whispered in his ear -stay a little longer-, in the early morning when he began to get dressed to leave, among so many stories and love adventures I was able to calculate, paying close attention, that more than 60 women of different races, sizes, ages, social status and marital status had tried my friend Santiago Ariza's special preserves.

In addition to his impossible love and his many other lovers, Ariza's other secret that he did confess to me was that he had 7 children from 6 different women in San Casimirito, all of them were single with whom he never had or thought of having a serious relationship, but all of them I helped them financially to support their children so that they would not lack anything, the identity of 6 of their children was kept secret, with the exception of my godson, 6 years ago the parentage became public knowledge of little Pablo, 5 years old at that time, when the child's mother decided to leave San Casimirito and left the child at his grandmother Doña Eloísa's house so that they could take care of him.


But 3 months ago, when Santiago ran for mayor and was winning in the polls, the secret about the paternity of his other 6 children was made public, it fell like a bomb in the middle of the short electoral campaign in a town that psychologically still did not understand. had recovered due to the human and infrastructure losses due to the great fire that devastated San Casimirito only a few days ago at that time, someone very ill-intentioned who also knew the secret of Santiago divulged it by nailing him a stab that made him lose the election against my brother-in-law Arnoldo Saavedra.

Since in San Casimirito we did not have a morgue, much less something similar to a forensic doctor, that Monday I had to call Chaotic City to ask a favor from my former boss, Captain Montoya, who did not hesitate to send me a forensic team from the capital to lift the body. from Santiago, but I had to wait almost the entire day locked up with his corpse in his small office for them to come for him. During the wait, the 5 mothers with Santiago's 6 children showed up at the factory to ask for their share. of the inheritance, Doña Eloísa, who is smarter than all of them, made them run when she told them that first they had to talk to me to be free of suspicion for the death of their son!!!, Doña Eloísa did it to avoid a scene, With the body of their son still warm, the harpies had come for a piece of the factory as if they were scavenging birds. That day none of them wanted to talk to me, but on Tuesday I sent Rolando to each of them's house to inform them that they should show up at the police station to interrogate them, since they were the only known lovers of my friend, somewhere I had to start the investigation.


Apart from the murder weapon in the wrong hand, another thing that made me doubt my friend's suicide was the brief note written on the screen of his laptop, "I'm sorry", I can assure you that that man did not regret anything in this life. Perhaps only one thing we talked about more than once, Santiago regretted not knowing all of his children. He knew very well that being a man with such a strong seed it was almost impossible that in all his years as a "love bandit", "invader of bedrooms", and "usurper of husband's functions" as he sometimes jokingly called himself during our conversations, he would not have gotten one, two or three of his married lovers pregnant, Santiago confessed to me that he had some suspicions but no certainty but he was sure that he had more than 7 children scattered in the town of San Casimirito.


For my part, although the official autopsy report on Santiago was still missing to corroborate it, I was 100% sure at that moment that my friend had not committed suicide, which led me to make a second guess, if someone had murdered Santiago and had arranged the crime scene to look like a suicide I assumed it could only mean that one of his many lovers was responsible for his death. On the other hand, if it had been a man responsible, an offended husband, a boyfriend, a father or a brother of one of his many lovers who discovered his adventures and decided to kill him, they would have confronted him head-on, as happened 3 months ago when it was discovered. paternity over his other 6 children, several relatives came out to ask for explanations, although on that occasion the blood did not reach the river because just as it was known that Santiago was the father of the children, word also spread that the He took economical care of his children and that calmed the waters.


Country people are mostly simple, I mean this not pejoratively, especially men from the countryside are very different from men from the city, which makes them more frontal, direct, without half measures, I can't imagine them. Juan the carpenter, or Pedro the mechanic or Don Jacinto the baker arranging a crime scene to simulate a suicide, if they had found out that Santiago was the secret lover of their beautiful wives, they would have taken a revolver, a shotgun or a machete and they would have gone looking for him head on.


So after thinking about it many times, I had no doubt that the murderer had to be a woman, that's what my detective instinct told me. Around 5 in the afternoon, my godson Pablo arrived demanding to see his father, he had escaped from Doña Eloísa, I of course left the office and sat down to talk to him to calm him down, I couldn't allow him to see the body of his father with a bullet in the head.


Called Rolando to take the child back to his grandmother's house, after a while my name was Belinda who spent the whole day in the fields and had I only found out a little while ago about what happened, after giving me her condolences she asked me how I was? She knew the great appreciation I had for my friend despite his lifestyle that she did not view favorably as she told me more than Once, according to Bela, as soon as they collected the body, I would return to the farm and we would talk more calmly at our house.


The forensic team from Chaotic City seems to have come on a donkey, they arrived shortly before 8, when they finally left with Santiago's body it was almost 10 at night, when I saw that they loaded the body into the police van it was Since my friend's death hit me the hardest, I was quite stunned by everything that had happened and especially by the circumstances of his certain murder, I called Belinda to let her know that I needed to clear my head a little before returning to the house. house, she, as always, understanding and loving, gave me the go-ahead, I left the canning factory and drove to a bar in the middle of town owned by Mr. Onofre, I asked for a bottle of rum of the same brand that I always drank with my compadre to fire him.


A few hours later, when I left the bar, the hoot of an owl at the top of a cedar tree in the main square of San Casimirito announced to me that it was already past midnight without having to look at my watch, I had to get into my vehicle and go home. , but as always responsible, since I was too drunk to drive to the farm, I decided to walk to the station to ask Rolando a favor to take me to my house, but during the trip to the police station They intercepted me, the high beams of a Mercedes Benz blinded me for a second, when they turned them off I could see the owner of the most beautiful smile I had ever seen, it was none other than Bea, Beatriz Mirabal, my wife's older sister.


To be continued...

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